Grace Kelly

Was watching a movie with her (on my new favourite channel, Talking Pictures TV) - she was quite extraordinarily beautiful, wasn't she?

She is up there with the very few stars who are so beautiful, it almost hurts to look at them, like staring too hard into a bright light - see also Paul Newman and Elizabeth Taylor, in Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, or Paul Newman in The Prize.

Just thought I'd mention it, like.

Catherine Deneuve in umbrellas of Cherbourg?

Bardot in her prime (tainted by the poisonous viper she’s become)

natasha kinski in tess 

the bird in Betty blue

Monica Belluci in her prime


The most beautiful actress of all-time imo was Hedy Lamaar, although Dietrich runs her a very close second. Even in the '50s in films like No Highway in the Sky (a real underrated classic, if you haven't seen it) and Witness for the Prosecution, Marlene was gorgeous.

Isn't it though, dusty!  I fecking love it (even if some of the movies contain, ahem, problematic depictions of anyone who isn't white, middle aged, or male...)

Re the examples above - yeah, a lot of them are attractive, charismatic, sexy, etc. but very few of them are undilutedly beautiful in the way La Kelly was.

Talking Pictures is good. A lot of it is dross, but you do occasionally get a British movie gem from the '40s or '50s which even I haven't seen. It's good for TV plays from the '60s too.

Kris Akabusi heh



i have worshipped Grace Kelly since I first saw High Society when I was a teenager. She’s just so beautiful it’s like she’s not human. 

I have the same admiration for, wait for it, Beyoncé.  I think that woman has redefined beauty and strength. 

Ava Gardner is the other one of that sort of era who was almost uncomfortable to watch, she was so stunning. She had a lot more sex appeal than Grace Kelly though. 

Beatrice Dalle is brutally hot in Betty Blue but uncomfortable to watch for different reasons and not really even conventionally beautiful.  

The mental is strong in that one. She once claimed in an interview to have eaten a dead man's ear. 

Agreed re Ava Gardner, completely breathtaking...

See also Sophia Loren, e.g. in Houseboat

And also agreed re Beyonce - watching her perform live, I began to wonder if she might actually be some sort of bot : it was like she was lit from the inside out, nature really took its time putting her together.  (Shame it all goes a bit wrong once she opens her mouth to speak, but still...)

I think, in terms of modern day actresses, Jessica Alba comes the closest to that same eye watering beauty.

As for blokes, see also that Alexander Skarsgard...

Cru - was it the Glasto performance? I so know what you mean.

I was watching it with my wife, son and daughter. And we were all sort of hypnotized. A strange golden hue to everything (lighting, hair, skin tone, clothing) and impeccable non-human levels of accuracy in the timing of dance and voice. Mesmerising.  I felt like we were being hypnotized by something.

Muttley - actually, on account of what I am a meeja darling, it was a much smaller, "invitation only" event, an album launch, I think - so the effect was even more powerful close up, because we were close enough to see if there was even the tiniest flaw, and there really wasn't.  And she brought the same levels energy and professionalism to it as if she had been performing to hundreds of thousands of people, rather than 300 odd of us - although, even the most jaded muso type fell in love in that moment, it felt like you were in the presence of something superhuman.

Exactly.  She just didn't miss a beat, the voice was still on point, even her sweat looked like diamonds (although, actually, I don't think she is the best dancer ever).  But, yes, I think she may have been created in the same place that made faberge eggs.

In terms of sheer gorgeousness, old style, see also, Dirk Bogarde.

I don't think I've seen that one (or at least not recently) She was great in Mogambo, To Catch a Thief and Rear Window

I hate High Society though because I love the Philadelphia Story

agree re beauty. As for male beauty, Mel Gibson in the 80s

Grace Kelly and Audrey Hepburn were both breathtaking, though strangely lacking in sex appeal.  GK's gowns in To Catch A Thief are gorgeous.  In their prime, their faces  were like beautiful artworks, and perfect at every angle.

Ah, good call re Mr Eastwood, he was so fecking sexy...

Queenie E, you hate High Society?  I didn't buy into Bing Crosby nearly as much Cary Grant, but I loved them both (and I would watch Katherine Hepburn recite the phone book) - although I think that Frank Sinatra and Celeste Holm made the difference.

But, the pre-wedding scene, when Grace Kelly floats in wearing that dress...

I wouldn’t be counting in the first place wang. 

well Queenie... I guess in a way it’s a good thing that we all appreciate different qualities. 

Mel Gibson has always just been YUCK for me because he is the embodiment of everything I despise about Australian men.  Same goes for Russell Crowe.. even though I do watch Gladiator and think... hmmm. 

He was beautiful in the early 80s though - The Year of Living Dangerously, The Bounty, Mrs Soffel, Gallipoli, lost it a bit by the late 80s. I was obsessed with The Bounty and used to watch it every day as a teenager blush

Cru, High Society makes me cringe. I think it's miscast and fluffy whereas the Philadelphia Story is perfect

Ok. I’ve just googled Mel Gibson in the Bounty. 

I will concede that objectively speaking he has qualities that one might consider attractive. 

but every time I look at him I hear that awful voice and accent... nope nope nope. 

Scylla, agreed (although there is something about Grant's voice...)

No, that link was just for a snapshot of Ms Leigh's wardrobe - actually, the movie itself is on this weekend...

Queenie, it's the fluffiness that I love.  And it's probably worth it for "Well, Did you Evah" alone.  But, I agree, Philadelphia Story is vastly superior.

have you seen The Grass Is Greener?

I'll check it out, fanks!

Mel Gibson was a stunna in the 80s, but I'm not sure I can bear to watch anything with him in it now.  Same with Tom Cruise - great actor and beautiful in his prime - but even with Top Gun, all I see now is Xenu, the couch jumping, and the crazy over-laugh.

Laydeez - you fancy Clint Eastwood BECAUSE of his politics not DESPITE.... devil has all the best tunes etc. 

Beatrice Dalle in Manon Des Sources (or whatever it’s called) ohgodyeah. 

There was a ludicrously hot (and beautiful) librarian in my university library - luminous- absolutely impossible to concentrate if she was stacking shelves anywhere in the vicinity. 

Was looking at some pictures of Emily Ratajowski “flaunting her assets” in the Hate a few days ago and although mechanically very well put together she just doesn’t have the magic of most mentioned on this thread - too self obsessed maybe?

My mother had a relationship before marrying my father with a man who was an absolute Paul Newman lookalike right down to the eyes and smile. It is the eyes and knowing look that define Paul Newman. My mum rather bullishly chose my name on birth after that man (not Paul, the other guy). He was heir to a big business and moved beyond her and she carried a torch. He was my Godfather. My name is the reminder. All a bit awks but fuck me he was beautiful and so was Paul Newman. My second name is my father’s first name. Poor dad- runners up medal. That’s quite inflammatory. 
Paul Newman. So handsome. Something about the look. Gonna take you places but it’s not clear where. I’d be gay for that.