Friend’s ex-wife

I have invited a friend’s ex-wife for dinner in Town. I have lost touch with him and she is undoubtedly a MILF. 

I’m properly cruising for a bruising aren’t I?

Why are you assuming she's interested in anything other than having dinner in Town?

From whom do you think you will get the bruising you think you are cruising for - your friend or his ex or your wife?


Oh, sorry - now read your 11:14 - if your wife isn't your biggest fan at the moment then obviously you should go and get nuts deep in some other women ASAP. Free pass and fill yer boots.

Well you know me and I make it work. My divorce is great and we are both very happy with new partners - my ex husband is married, I am engaged. 

there's every point in not spending your life living in quiet contempt for the sake of money but ok 


On the assumption you are not going to try to boff the MILF, there is nothing wrong with going for lunch with another person no matter how attractive she is. 

Is the idea that your wife won’t like you having lunch with another woman?

It's dinner and I may have got myself into a bit of trouble already.

For an "amusing" reason, she has told me that she's long since out of practice at giving BJs.

I can pretty much guarantee I will get cold feet and be thoroughly awkward all evening.

I'm not good at this sort of thing.

jorrocks - if your marriage is truely over (and your wife agrees with your assessment) go for it.  But i you're in, you're in - cold feet will give you all of the guilt and handwringing with none of the upside.  So make your bed and fook in it.  Or stay in the old bed.

If you are still cohabiting with a woman to whom you are married then there is a simple choice to be made.  Either have a pleasant meal and go home or tell your wife that you need to move out as this situation is affecting your mental health.

Dont cheat, that’s neither fair nor right.  You are either in or out and as Linda said, any cage is very much of your own making.

If you choose to be out then get out before shagging anyone else. 

Cheating is unnecessary Laz.  It’s cowardice in its purest form.  Either be faithful or end the relationship, not difficult at all.  (With the exception of people who have a truly open relationship but this doesn’t seem to be the case here).

Jorrocks - what a deeply depressing way to live your life (if it is true re you and your wife, and you're not just hamming it up a bit for the entertainment of RoF).

I am not encouraging anything! Let's face it, he posted this to raise the suggestion he'd be at it. All I am saying is that he should make his own mind up but stop teasing us!


u guys

I think all the roffettes would agree that if a girl hasn’t emblozzed in a while, what she really really wants is to practice on the wrinkled old family retainer of an elderly gammon.  See Clergs, supra

ooh @ dusty's 12.26

jorrocks - mate - no amount of there being an "understanding" of sorts between the Mrs and you is going to let this bonk / bj / bumbum slide. clean slate n all that. 

plus how kids perceive you will matter


or sod all this...what clubbers said

I don’t think it’s being sanctimonious to honour a promise that you have your word to in front of both your families.

Previously I wittered on about it being a holy vow in front of god.  I don’t believe that stuff anymore.

But keeping and honouring your word that was witnessed by a lot of people still should carry a great deal of weight.

This has been my view always dux, I’ve expressed it here before, maybe you just never noticed before.

Yeah tbf teclis that did sound sanctimonious the second time 

I just think it's shitty behaviour to cheat on someone who loves you (appears not to be the case here) and deeply sad to stay with someone because of school fees and ski holidays and your posh kitchen that you'd miss 

life is both too long and too short to be so profoundly miserable 

I'm loving all the opprobrium on this thread.  If there's one thing I've learned spending time with married people as I've got older it's that at least half of them seem to have been unfaithful in some manner.  Amongst my parents' friends it's a challenge to come up with a list who haven't been in involved in some sort of extra-marital activity.

BC and Coffers it generally hasn't proved an issue as to some extent it's just accepted that it's probably going to happen if you're together for 50 years as it's partly just human nature.  I'm inclined to agree that it's not entirely realistic to expect two people to never be tempted over 50 years or more.  

There's at least one couple where I grew up where people take bets on whether they'll turn up to an event together or individually or individually but each with someone else as nobody is ever quite sure what their deal is these days.

Wot Hoolz sed.

Lots of us socialise with oldies, Sails, and have honest and open conversations with them about all sorts of stuff. Your circle seems a bit fvcked up, tbh.

I don't socialise with them but glean all this from 30 minutes on the phone with my mother on a Sunday afternoon as the blow by blow account of life in Sussex generally involves the sexual proclivities of others.  I can already see some of my friends going the same way as the divorces are starting and at least one is seeing a counsellor about his previous infidelity.

You "glean all this from 30 minutes on the phone with my mother on a Sunday afternoon as the blow by blow account of life in Sussex generally involves the sexual proclivities of others" when speaking to your Mother and don't think that's weird?


Go you mean your mother is even more boring and just talks about bog standard day to day stuff?  It's the best I can do to pretend I'm paying attention when I'm getting salacious gossip.

Jorrocks - I'm surprised this thread has made 80 posts and no-one has asked you to describe her Norks yet.  Standards on RoF are definitely slipping!

As for your marriage situation - are you hanging around because you can't bear the thought of moving out / stress of divorce etc...?

Doing what? I'm just taking someone out for dinner... honest...

Not 7 years, no. Divorce is just painful and expensive and probably wouldn't get me anywhere I particularly want to be

I'm not Clubbers!

Jorrocks, there are a lot of weird hangups about divorce but they are from an age when we didn't live quite so long or have quite so much time for contemplation.

I don't know if you should get divorced but I think you will regret it if you stay in a miserable marriage. I know the spectre of the single divorced dude in a bedsit is alarming but you're probably quite a good catch if you were free to date normally. Chicks dig lawyers for some reason 

Point is don't pick misery out of fear 

(But if you can remedy things by all means do that instead)

Definitely the most troubling  part of this is SS having chats with his octogenarian mother about the sex lives of said mother’s friends children.

And why is his elderly mater herself discussing the sex lives of their issue with her octogenarian pals?

Whats wrong with discussing Countdown and what a nice man Alan Titchmarsh is...?

Lol. Weird and funny thread.

Lots of people cheat for perfectly understandable reasons eg working away for months/years. I have many friends who have worked offshore and they tell a lot of pretty fooked up stories.

my dad (who has) also had a friend in the navy (who was a naval doctor so obviously not weak willed) who even started a gay relationship with another officer and then eventually went back to his wife.

his kids even know this story.

he probably left the bumbum details out, though, when talking to them

jesus. (a) Cru is here, and (b) wot tec said (for the first time ever).

Also (c) you will collect an ex-friend if he finds out, even if she is an ex-wife. There are places not to go, and that's surely one of them?

She’ll tell him as soon as possible to watch him squirm. Then it’s going to get stabby stabby. He might not be “out of touch” much longer. Exciting re-union!