Rising above it all…is for dummies!

Quinn Emmanuel’s UK Senior Partner cut out his PR team and tackled negative coverage directly this week in a personal attack on the press, his rivals, and a defecting partner that has definitely worked very well.

Richard East lashed out on LinkedIn after Legal Week reported that Quinn’s London office was in “real trouble” following the departure of three partners and 13 lawyers for Willkie Farr, and that profits would be “massively hit”.

In blistering form, East jumped onto reporter Krishnan Nair’s post to explain just how wrong he was. 

“We aren’t ‘in real trouble’ and I suspect most sensible readers will dismiss this article as unsubstantiated gossip and conjecture (which it is)”, he said. 

The “true picture” would emerge, promised East, “But it won’t emerge in legal week, that’s for sure”. 

“No doubt other law firms leaders will think twice before engaging you in any discussion about their firms. I know I will”, said the smarting law firm leader.

East countered the fake news MSM narrative with “a few facts” about how many lawyers had really quit Quinn (“9”, although he later clarified to RollOnFriday that it was actually 10), how many had not (“97”, though possibly now 96), how many new arrivals were replenishing the ranks already (12), and how many laterals Quinn was talking to (“multiple”). 

As for Quinn’s competitors in the City, “Our opponents are always keen to deride us”, complained East. “Call us toxic. None of this is true. Look how many partners we’ve lost in 14 years. Compare that to any US firm in London”. 

The defection of his rainmaking Head of Competition, Boris Bronfentrinker, was also immaterial. East explained that Bronfentrinker was nothing - nothing! - until Quinn found him.

“Boris is and was a great lawyer. But we existed for 7 years before he arrived as an unknown lawyer from hausfeld and we will exist and grow when he has gone”, vowed East. So there. 

Tip Off ROF


East’s revenge 08 October 21 08:03

“so long suckers! i rev up my motorcylce and create a huge cloud of smoke. when the cloud dissipates im lying completely dead on the pavement”

Worked there 08 October 21 08:55

Typical Quinn London office, staffed full of chip-on-their-shoulder third-rate lawyers. Avoid this firm like the plague kids.

The Hackaforte League 08 October 21 09:13

You were working as an unknown lawyer in Hau-u-usfeld
When I met you
I picked you out, I shook you up
And turned you around
Turned you into someone new
Now seven years later on you've got the world at your feet
Success has been so easy for you
But don't forget it's me who put you where you are now
And I can put you back down too...

Quinn Emanuel Senior Associate 08 October 21 09:20


Anon 08 October 21 09:27

If the article really is gossip and conjecture, why waste time with a lengthy (albeit somewhat stream of consciousness) reply? I'm sure Mr East is very important and has all sorts of other very important things to do with his time. Someone's got to beat the drum for all the galley slaves his firm employs.

A response along the lines of "TLDNR" would have been more effective.  

Former intern 08 October 21 09:55

Quinn in London is chock full of aggressive goons and their handlers. Awful, awful firm.

The Real Story 08 October 21 10:18

I'll shed some light on this. Boris left Quinn because he asked the leadership team for more money and they said no. Wilkie paid him a higher package, but is arguably a worse platform for someone who's majority of career has been suing large corporates. 


That's the real reason Boris left. 

Anon 08 October 21 10:19

Wow - imagine working for a whiner like that! Needs to go to business school and take some management lessons. Dignified response > outburst 

Grimbles 08 October 21 10:29

@The Real Story 08 October 21 10:18 - surely that's why any partner voluntarily moves to/from a US firm. It's always the money.

Läujer 08 October 21 10:30

The thing is, people comment on the post here, but nobody has the balls to find the post on LinkedIN and comment it there. So far the only "likes" on LinkedIN are of QE fanboys with Stockholm syndrome.

I honestly do not know how one can work with a pure soul for such an unethical law firm.

Is it allowed to post links here, though?

Competition Lawyer gone in-house 08 October 21 11:12

This firm is a peculiar place: on one hand I’ve met plenty of good, very hard working lawyers during my time there, who were never too busy to chat or help if needed.

On the other, some attorneys and most of the partners were a venomous, wretched bunch, full of men and women with a litany of personal issues and axes to grind.

This Boris chap who just left being one of them, perhaps the crossest man I’ve had the sorry misfortune to come across (and work for).

Läujer 08 October 21 13:59

@Competition Lawyer gone in-house 08 October 21 11:12

But isn't it all the firm is about and proud of? They are one of the "Fearsome Four", dreadful, whiny.

I mean, they live the American 90's YUPPIE style to the fullest - a bunch of socially awkward, deeply insecure, narcissistic people who are h*rny for the big money and who just want to squeeze the associates to the fullest to accumulate even more money.

Formerly at Quinn 08 October 21 14:17

Toxic firm with toxic staff. Quite possibly the worst place I've ever worked at, and that includes such illustrious summer jobs as helping pump raw sewage with the local septic tank cleaning firm in Redcar. 


But hey, they seem to be always "on the look for talented attorneys" and hiring, so polish those CVs kids. Just remember that you were warned.

Man of Baltic origin with penchant for Itsu 08 October 21 18:29

I second what @Competition Lawyer gone in-house said.

David St. Hubbins 08 October 21 19:15

DAVID: No, but it’’ve got to understand that like in the world of rock and roll there are certain changes that
sometimes occur, and you’ve just got to, sort of, roll with them, you know. I mean you read... you read... you saw exactly how many people who’s been in this band over the years, 37 people’s been in this band over the years. I mean it’s like, you know, six months from now, I can’t see myself missing Nigel more than I might miss Ross McLochness, or Ronnie Pudding, or Danny Upham, or Little Danny Schindler, or any of those, you know, it’s... 
MARTY: I can’t...I can’t believe it. I can’t believe that, you know, that, you’re lumping Nigel in with uh you know these people you’ve played with for a short period of time... 
DAVID: Well, I’m sure I’d feel much worse if I weren’t under such heavy sedation, but still in all, I mean you’ve got to be realistic about this sort of thing, you know.... 
MARTY: So, what happens to the band now? 
DAVID: What do you mean? 
MARTY: He’s not coming back, or...? 
DAVID: No, we, we shan’t work together again. 

Richard the Beefcake 09 October 21 10:51

How dare they say that about me scream Richie.

I will show them. For I am Beefcake. BEEFCAKE! BEEEEFCAKE!!!

Anon 09 October 21 10:54

No no, the press has have got it all wrong. And if anyone says anything wrong ever again about my best firm in the world, well I will….I will….Scweem amd Scweem and Scweem until I am sick ! I hate them, I hate them all so much !! Aaaggghhhh

Anon 10 October 21 12:36

This rant is surely evidence of where at least part of the problem lies.  Once a place is too toxic for someone who has himself  been convicted of driving at a pedestrian in anger you know this place has had its day.

British Parking Association (Marylebone Division) 11 October 21 10:38

One wonders whether the competition partner was “driven” out of the firm. 

Anonymous 15 October 21 13:45

Shout really loud "NOTHING TO SEE HERE AT ALL, HONESTLY, REALLY - PLEASE LOOK AWAY"....and of course no-one will look.

update 28 November 21 12:45

Check out this legendary post from Boris on 28th November 2021:

"Two days in at our new firm Willkie Farr & Gallagher LLP and it has been fantastic how the entire team of 14 have been made to feel so welcome by our awesome new colleagues. Also very grateful to our terrific and loyal clients all of whom have continued to trust us with their most important cases. This has meant that the entire team has been very busy from the outset as well as having lots of new exciting opportunities to pursue. Exciting times for the team. And not a bad view to enjoy from the office!"

Such a blatent attempt at telling the market (including East) that...

1. He took the whole team
2. He took all the clients
3. Everyone is happier now
4. Did i mention I took all the team


Anyway you cut it, the ego's on display here are laughable.

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