
Clockwise from the sword-wielding hamster in a microwave: Judge Leung, Mariani, Baccanello.

A judge has revoked the anonymity of a lawyer who sued her former colleague for sexual misconduct, after discovering that she hid material facts about the relationship from the court.

Stefano Mariani was sacked by Baker McKenzie when a junior lawyer identified only as ‘X’ claimed that he coercively controlled and sexually assaulted her while they both worked at Deacons, a Hong Kong law firm where he was a partner and head of tax. She also successfully argued that she should remain anonymous.

X claimed that Mariani invited her to his home on the pretext of showing off his collection of Japanese swords and then sexually assaulted her. He also boasted that he had once microwaved a hamster, she said.

But a judge has now lifted the anonymity order in a judgment which heavily criticised the foundations of her claim. Judge Harold Leung discovered that at the original hearing Jennifer Baccanello had only disclosed 50% of the WhatsApp messages exchanged with Mariani, and that the complete record painted a more favourable picture of him.

When he saw the missing texts, the judge said that they “appear to show that this was simply a romantic affair, entered into freely and consensually, and it ended by mutual agreement because of various factors (including perhaps a mismatch of expected level of commitments)”. 

“Importantly, at least on the face of these records, I find no obvious evidence of any accusation of improper conduct of any description by either party”, he said.

Judge Leung, a former Mayer Brown partner, also discovered that when the relationship ended Baccanello had sent anonymous emails to at least two firms and a chambers containing statements which Mariani’s lawyers said were untrue, and that Mariani had threatened her with defamation proceedings for sending them.

Both “hugely relevant material matters” should have been disclosed by Baccanello in her application for anonymity, said the judge, describing the lapse as “a very serious material non-disclosure” which prevented the court from understanding “that this was not a simple and straightforward sexual harassment claim”.

He said that “one might find merit” in the argument that she “hijacked" the court "as a means to further publicise her allegations” while “hiding behind the shield of anonymity”.

In another instance of “highly selective disclosure,” Baccanello only quoted the section of a meeting note at Deacons which stated that Mariani “was reprimanded and…promised to never do this again”, leaving out the part which stated that “based on the information available, there were insufficient evidence or grounds to support the claim for sexual harassment”.

“The very least that [Baccanello] should have done was to draw the court’s attention to these passages”, said the judge. 

He said he saw “some force” in Mariani’s lawyer’s argument that “this went beyond a simple failure of material non-disclosure, but was a deliberate attempt to mislead the court”.

The judge poured scorn on Baccanello's attempt to cite her mental health as a reason to maintain her anonymity, noting that her doctor was "not a medical doctor" but "a counsellor with a BA in Psychology”, and that Baccanello had only taken one counselling session and "attempted ‘art therapy’.”

He also rubbished her claims to be suicidal, on the basis that she spent nine months seeking funding for a private psychiatrist, and rejected her argument that she would be publicly shamed as a result of the HPV infection she allegedly contracted from Mariani, telling her that the social stigma "should be relatively small”.

Mariani said in a press release, “I am satisfied with the Judge’s Decision and Ms Baccanello’s subsequent discontinuation of her wholly baseless action against me. I now want to focus on restoring my personal and professional reputation following this untrue and malicious attack. I am most grateful to the many clients, fellow professionals in the legal and accounting industries, and friends who have unreservedly supported me during the past year and look forward to further developing my tax and trusts practice as a sole practitioner”.

Mariani said he had commenced defamation proceedings against Baccanello and her husband, who is understood to be a lawyer, in relation to the anonymous emails she sent out.

Alfred Ip, whose firm Hugill & Ip acts for Baccanello, told RollOnFriday, “It was never our client's intention to submit herself or Mr. Mariani to the court of public opinion. She believes in the truth and the legal system to bring this to light”.

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Question Man 07 June 24 09:13

Who wants to #beleivewomen now, eh?

Nobody's going to call me a crank this week, are they?

Who wants to be first to apologise to me?

MC Question Man 07 June 24 09:43

Yo! Time to pump some fat beats like they're an old bike tyre! This one goes out to my man Mariani:


Innocent like Beckwith! Innocent like Lester!

Unequivocal proof that he didn't molest her!

A finding of fact beyond all construing, 

yet another man cleared of all wrongdoing,

stitched up by lies and disclosure fraud,

now he's put these feminists to the (samurai) sword!

Freed to speak his truth after a lengthy purdah, 

his one and only crime is hamster murder,

which is a minor mistake not worthy of aspersion,

the important thing is there was no sex coercion!

All hail Mariani tax boss of Hong Kong,

it's all above board what he does with his schlong!


No Answer Woman 07 June 24 10:12

@9.13 - no apology needed, it was always the case that the questions were necessary given the prevalence of false allegations in these matters. The people trying to shut down the questions were proved wrong every single time.

Deacons Insider 07 June 24 10:43

Deacons and Baker both conducted internal investigations. SM was fired for more than just one reason. I believe more details will be released during the deformation proceedings.

HK businessman 07 June 24 11:01

A real gentleman will never be sued by a female colleague in such way. It is not likely the story just ends up here. 

Anonymous 07 June 24 11:01

@Deacons Insider - what details, and were these internal investigations based on half the information? It won’t change the findings referred to in the article though.

Anonymous 07 June 24 11:06

"I believe more details will be released during the deformation proceedings." [sic]

Calm down, there's no need to get all bent out of shape about it.

barista barrister 07 June 24 11:12

"I now want to focus on restoring my personal and professional reputation following this untrue and malicious attack." 
wish you good luck 😆 we all knew there were sth wrong with you long time ago. 

Nanonymous 07 June 24 11:27

@ Anonymous “A man who never eats pork bun, is never a whole man.”

be careful. you are against the Muslims.

Maggie May 07 June 24 11:46

Sometimes it is much better to apply logic rather than emotions particularly if you are a lawyer and to avoid malice and spite.

Anonymous 07 June 24 12:20

@Maggie May 
"Sometimes it is much better to apply logic rather than emotions particularly if you are a lawyer and to avoid malice and spite."

did SM have logic?

London Solicitor 07 June 24 12:30

well, we knew SM very early back in London. He was very "outspoken", sometimes too "outspoken" ...

Anonymous 07 June 24 12:42

@09.43 - your singing doesn't change the fact that the accusation was false and that false allegations are extremely common on these type of matters.

Say it out loud 07 June 24 12:58

Maliciously false allegations should be punishable with the same or near-same punishment as proven allegations!

Deacons Insider 07 June 24 13:26

Baccanello only quoted the section of a meeting note at Deacons which stated that Mariani “was reprimanded and…promised to never do this again”, leaving out the part which stated that “based on the information available, there were insufficient evidence or grounds to support the claim for sexual harassment”.

As far as I know, the note was just one page. And the judge blamed her not quote it well. Did the judge really spend time reading it?

Anonymous 07 June 24 13:44

@12.29 - that is a false allegation. Unfortunately false allegations are very common in this type of case.

Deacons Insider 07 June 24 13:48

Most likely the judge rushed to grant her the anonymity order (AO). She definitely would not start the claim if AO was not granted. Then the judge felt embarrassed to know he didn't read the documents well. To make it up, he just picked some technical errors in her application to remove the AO. Can we say the judge actually ruined both sides?

Deacons Insider 07 June 24 14:02

Don't forget she is a lawyer herself. Her legal team is also reputable. They certainly knew the consequence of material non-disclosure in an AO application. I just hope every judge read documents carefully before making a decision.

struandirk 07 June 24 14:28

When you say “technical errors in her application”, Deacons Insider, you mean the “lying to the court and misleading it about the nature of their relationship” and “deliberately withholding information that showed her allegations were not true”?

And as a lawyer herself, no less?

Deacons Insider 07 June 24 14:54

@struandirk 07

To make it fair, the Judge said in his judgement of the AO "This is not a mini-trial" but his decision to remove the AO and his reasons. The cross-examination is important to tell the truth during the trial. We can focus on that in the following defamation proceedings. 

anon 07 June 24 15:57

@anon 07 June 24 12:29: correct. False allegations in this type of case are very uncommon.

Anonymous 07 June 24 16:41

@15.57 - that is a false allegation. Unfortunately false allegations are very common in this type of case.

Anon 2 07 June 24 19:19

Deacons insider

Hardly "technical errors". 

The judge ordered indemnity costs against her when the standard order in SDO cases is each party bears their own costs..

That, more than anything, sums up what's going on. That and the fact that she has withdrawn the original claim totally and has to bear his costs as a result.

All men need to be aware of a woman scorned!

sorrytohearthat 07 June 24 19:38

unless you are Gary Senior you will be sacked by B&M without further proof. Luckily there are better places to work

Common Sense 07 June 24 20:22

@16.41 - I'm not following you. Is it that it's commonly known that they're uncommon, or that it's uncommon for them to be commonplace? Or do they not have anything in common at all?

Anonymous 07 June 24 22:12


All men need to be aware of a woman scorned!

Using the term of "scorned woman" in 2024 can only tell you are a sexist.

London Solicitor 07 June 24 23:09

SM's acquaintances in London have been mocking him with Rurik Jutting case for years. Luckily only a hamster was murdered, not a woman. 

barista barrister 07 June 24 23:25

"I am most grateful to the many clients, fellow professionals in the legal and accounting industries"
What a joke 🤣 SM's classy comments about females and partners are well circulated among the chambers in HK.  He thinks some press releases and a defamation case would change his fate😜 one point for Ms X!

Anonymous 07 June 24 23:28

@18.51 - that is a false allegation. Unfortunately false allegations are very common in this type of case.

Deacons insider 07 June 24 23:45

Deacons updated its interal policy after the departure of SM. The new clauses like:

1. coercive and manipulative relationships are forbidden.
2. any relationship involved with a partner must be reported to the firm.

TOM 08 June 24 05:37

This reminds me Bruce Lehrmann case. "Having escaped the lion's den Mr Lehrmann made the mistake of coming back for his hat," Justice Lee said of his decision to launch defamation proceedings against Network 10 and presenter Lisa Wilkinson. Stefano Mariani is simply repeating it with his defamation proceedings.

Anonymous 08 June 24 15:28

This is incredibly sad. There are so many women that have genuinely been sexually assaulted and are too afraid to come fforward and rreport it because of people like this claimant. It casts doubts on every genuine victim.

Anonymous 08 June 24 23:54

SM's tactics is using the press release and the defamation case to clean his name. He managed to disclose her identity. However, his reputation of being haamsap (鹹濕) was already known within Deacons even before this case. The press release and the defamation case only draws more public attention and further exposes him. 

re 09 June 24 03:00

@Anonymous "@Deacons Insider - what details, and were these internal investigations based on half the information? It won’t change the findings referred to in the article though."

An internal investigation is not likely just listening to one side of the story, otherwise any angry employee could complain his/her supervisor to the firm to sack the supervisor. Mr Mariani must have been requested to provide his explanation and evidence. Both Deacons and Baker made their decision based on their own understanding of the facts.

Anonymous 09 June 24 16:27

@London Solicitor - and those acquaintances turned out to be wrong and now owe him an apology.

Anonymous 09 June 24 16:38

"SM, who is two faced with an agenda?"
neither the one weighted 100 kg, nor the one only 40 kg dripping wet

Bokhary 09 June 24 18:31

This was fishy from the very beginning. Her statement of claim was leaked to the public in an attempt to destroy his reputation before any trial took place. These expats are too wild

Anonymous 10 June 24 08:02

A lot of people commenting on the original article back in October 2023 are now being left not so much with egg on their faces, but an entire omelette!

Anonymous 10 June 24 09:24

@ anoneeemooos  may be too juicy to disclose to the public, only suitable for the eyes of the judge

Anon 11 June 24 09:17

We just need to remember that false accusations in cases like this are extremely rare. Phew!

Anonymous 11 June 24 12:48

If she signed a note with Deacons that no harassment had happened, why did Deacons still force him to go but keep her? Something is missing here.

Anonymous 11 June 24 14:20

So many comments, it all gets very hard to follow. 

IS the general consensus that this upstanding chap has been cleared of all wrongdoing by the BSB?

Lord Lester 11 June 24 17:08

Anonymous 11 June 24 14:20: my “chap” was always “upstanding” when non-consensual sexual encounters presented themselves!

Anonymous 12 June 24 10:51

@[email protected] - because he wasn't the one making the allegations. The onus is on the person doing the accusing to make disclosure, not to only disclose half the information.

Anonymous 13 June 24 05:32

Companies can fire someone for unethical behaviors, which are not necessarily illegal behaviors at the same time.  And now HK is not in lack of tax lawyers who can only speak English. For business perspectives, the decisions made by Deacons and BM were reasonable. 

Anonymous 13 June 24 09:14

@[email protected] - I don't think anything is missing here. I think there was a rush to judgement, as we can see from the comments, even when the allegations are false some people will still insist that they are true. 

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