City of London restaurant recommendatoins

Can never seem to find a decent one - they all a bit meh, assuming city people having lunch dont care about good food (a fair assumption to be honest)   hit me up - up to around £100 per head ok, so not silly expensive ones and not chains.

What Deemus  said. They slightly spoiled the atmosphere when they expanded downstairs but it was still ace the last time I went there. I think the food is superb but it’s not Michelin style at all. 


I also like La Tagliata near Liverpool Street if you want the other side of the city. Again not crazy fancy (or expensive) but good food and wine at semi reasonable prices.  

Is that still open Pinko?


I like City Social in Tower 42. 


There's a new Wolesley in the City that all you bland boring City drones will love eating chicken and chips at.

Oh, and for Italian - though right on the northern border of what you could plausibly call the City, just south of Great Eastern Street - Marteca. Italian. Probably the best of my reccos

Cabotte is a good shout, as is Canto Corvino. 

Cafe du Marche / Rendezvous have not been the same since they combined the two rooms. 

Galvin is a good shout especially if work is paying. Club Gascon on Smithfield is in the same bracket. 

Origin - relatively new opening on Smithfield - is bloody good with very reasonably priced wines. 

Los Mochis is another decent recent opening above Liverpool Street, though more expensive than Origin.  

Hawksmoor is still preferable to Goodman’s, if only for the Shaky Pete. 

Both Bleeding Heart and Sweetings - like Simpsons when it was open - are worthwhile institutions rather than great restaurants. 


The selection of restaurants around Bank is woeful, I think mainly because people who work in insurance generally live outside London.  This has only become worse since COVID.

Canto Corvino, Coya (C not K), Brigadiers, City Social Bar (the more expensive restaurant is meh), Cabotte are all great.  Sushi Samba is awful.

I used to like the Don but haven't been for about a decade and the reviews suggest it's not so good now.

Honestly you're better off wandering towards Shoreditch where my go-tos are Zapote and St John Bread & Wine.

There's probably loads of good stuff around Farringdon direction too (including the original St John) but I haven't hung around there for a long time.




Thanks all, unfortunately I need places on the eastern side of the City, which is where there is a dearth.  Farringdon/Strand etc no good,  A few options above I will have to try.

Manteca, curtain road. It is stunning and they make everything in house including curing te meats etc. Oh and Leroy rounf the corner but you can't be fussy as the menu is tiny (& it's a bit uncomfortable)

If you can stretch to old st, Lilienblum is stunning and the outdoor terrace is open.


I guess while Tuesday to Thursday lunchtimes are rammed it is hard to make a really decent restaurant pay on three good services a week so it tends to be high profit margin cook by numbers stuff served in the heart of the City.

good to see some 20yr+ city veterans (me, Donny) weighing in here with some reccos to counter the idea that the Ciry is a total food desert.

Manteca as recommended by Escaped is the one I was recommending (although I spelled it wrong) and I agree it is a very top pick.

Bistro Freddie is an excellent newcomer. Nest too. 

Lyle’s I love. Manteca good as well. No shortage of interesting places round Shoreditch these days - no need to go to sushi samba ffs