The College of Law has cancelled a talk after being accused of giving a platform to an Islamic extremist.

Asim Qureshi, a lawyer from the organisation Cageprisoners, last featured on RollOnFriday a couple of years ago when Freshfields invited him to speak at a discussion on human rights. A lawyer in the audience railed at Qureshi for appearing at a City firm on a human rights ticket when he had publicly supported jihad. All hell broke loose, the meeting noisily disbanded and the whole mess was filmed by a representative of Iranian state TV who posted it on YouTube.

Anyway, here's a video of Quershi publicly supporting jihad at a Hizb ut-Tahrir rally:

But the College clearly doesn't spend enough time reading RoF. Unaware of the embarrassment that had previously been caused to Freshfields, it invited Querishi to speak at its Moorgate branch last Monday. Cue noisy complaints around the blogosphere and an embarrassed College rushing to cancel the talk.

A spokeswoman for the College told RollOnFriday that it had "decided to postpone the event while we look into the matter".
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