
He's running! Possibly for a stick.

A law firm's dog has ambitions to run the Solicitors Regulation Authority, RollOnFriday can reveal.

Hector is only seven years old, and a dog, but his CV is impressive. He joined SBP Law in London as a junior security consultant when he was just six months old, and he is now the firm's Head of Security. 

He also has a solid work ethic. According to his profile, Hector “is on duty virtually every day from about 8 am until 7pm”.

But he wants more. “Committed to a full time career in the law”, his ambition is to “become head of the Solicitors Regulation Authority….or to catch a pigeon outside St Paul’s Cathedral”.

Hector’s ongoing failure to snag a pigeon should not be fatal to his candidacy. The SRA let Pragnesh Modhwadia slip through its fingers for some time, after all, proving that perfection is not a bar to entry.

Hector is also big on detection, a key requirement of effective regulatory enforcement, as he "spends much of his free time in the study of investigation and the tracing of biscuits”.


Depending on the results of the Legal Services Board’s review into the events leading up to the SRA’s investigation into Axiom Ince, Hector may be in with a shot at toppling current chief executive Paul Philip. 

He already has supporters, one of whom told ROF, "I think most lawyers would agree he is a very good boy!"

Hector said, "Rrrrruff ruf ruff integrity and probity of the profession rrruff ruff lessons learned rruff ruff ruf robust solicitors exams ruff these are MY meaty chunks rruff ruff".

When asked for comment, SBP Law offered up a picture of Hector hard at work.


Would you vote for a regulator who is so adorable that it’s inconceivable anyone would disappoint him by using their client account as a banking facility?


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Sumoking 17 May 24 07:53

honestly,at this stage, my left bollock with a smiley face drawn on it could do a better job of running the SRA

I doubt even the Kommuna could salvage the BSB though 

SRA Pie Chart Manager 17 May 24 07:56

Very disappointed 

I clicked on the poll result, fully expecting to see 

93% Yes

7% Yes,  but in a different colour 


Hector 2024 17 May 24 10:18

At least Hector (and most dogs) are unlikely to hound paralegals / trainees worse than the SRA regularly does

Anon 17 May 24 11:42

Hector's quite offended by the comment that he "couldn't do a worse job".  He's clearly more intelligent, more likeable, has better judgment, more efficient, better looking, works harder....

Farid El Diwany 17 May 24 11:46

**** the SRA. Article 10 Freedom of Speech comment.  

Farid El Diwany

(Retired Lincoln's Inn Solicitor) 

Lydia 17 May 24 12:05

Very funny. There is a bigger issue here for those of us how hate dogs or they are against our religion or other things - should they ever be allowed in the office of a law firm even for one second? I would say never.

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