How many children do you want/have?

I like the idea of creating my own VIII. Which means i need 8 six-footers plus a tiny girl. Mrs Flash isn't super keen on the idea but i pay the bills so she has to do what i say.

2/2.  But I wouldn't say no to a third.  Although my wife and I would have to have sexual intercourse for that to happen, unless I mate with someone else.

one of my m7 dave's colleagues had the dr fiddle.  it spontaneously reattached (a one in 150000 chance apaz).  he got twins to add to the brood of 3...



I fear, despite its problems 1950 - 2020 will be seen as a Golden era, particularly in Europe, and we gradually entering another global era of woe similar to the first half of the 20th century.  Not sure todays kids are going to have it as good as us or our parents.   I used to think people who said they wouldn't want to bring people into a world like this were absurd.  Less so now.




on the plus side of being limited to 3, I’m fairly sure that hitting 5 would have involved a different Mr’s A and that would never do.

Am I the only one that read astis comment with inadvertent inverted comma and giggled at the idea that Asti could have a bum baby?

i know he meant Mrs A but still. Snort.

You're the only one Teclis. How about growing up and having a couple of your own. The clock's ticking.

Its funny how the posters on here who have had kids seem to be the most grounded in reality.

Did I read that right? You are probably the only one on here who would encourage my genetic material to be furthered.

there is no clock anyway, I’m early 40s and a bloke. *shrug*

Have one.  Would have liked two.  Terrifying preggo experience with #1 put Mr Nex off another and that ship has now sailed.  I'm too old and quite glad at the prospect of more sleep/easier travel and that sort of thing on the horizon.

So in one thread we have discovered that clubbers has had his tubes tied and no longer represents a threat to all women within a 20ft radius and that Carps has reproduced!! Next you'll be telling me that Ariana Grande and Pete Whatsisface have split up...

#2 due in jan 

in an ideal world would love 3 or 4 but not practical with our lifestyle (family scattered around world, maintaining a career etc) and I have really tough pregnancies so don’t think I can do this again

so realistically, 2 and done in 2019