Exercise + lockdown

Following Davos’ comment on the other thread that if u exercised pre lockdown you were likely to exercise in lockdown let’s do a Rof straw poll 

did you exercise pre-lockdown ?

what exercise did you do?

We’re you able to carry this on during lockdowns?

are you in better or worse shape now than pre lockdown?

Yes a bit


Yes of course, despite what team sane idiots suggest the outside still exists and we don't live in a country where conditions stop you going for an occasional jog

Lost 15kg but most of that was cutting booze / crap i diet i reckon

did you exercise pre-lockdown ?  Yes

what exercise did you do? Group strength and HIIT sessions in the gym once or twice a week and sailing.

We’re you able to carry this on during lockdowns? Sailing went out the window but did a couple of online sessions with my old gym in London before then signing up to a local trainer for Facetime sessions freezing my ass off in my garage.  Also did a lot more walking.

are you in better or worse shape now than pre lockdown? Much better.

did you exercise pre-lockdown ? Yes

what exercise did you do? Swimming, walking, basketball

We’re you able to carry this on during lockdowns? Yes*

are you in better or worse shape now than pre lockdown? Slightly better


*Disclaimer - I live in the Gulf and have been subject to much less strict lockdowns than e.g. the UK and EU.

Before covid - yes - 7 days a week, 3 cardio/4 weights split plus 10k steps a day walking the dogs.

During covid - same - but walking more, so 14k steps a day.

After covid - back to pre covid days.

Shape - weight down a few kilos and strength down a bit (less equipment so less really heavy training). Wouldn't say I'm in better or worse shape as a result. 




did you exercise pre-lockdown ?


what exercise did you do?

running once a week, swimming once a week, daily walking, odd bit of yoga

We’re you able to carry this on during lockdowns?

I now run 3-4 times a week (no swimming obv) and have a core trainer

really want to swim again

are you in better or worse shape now than pre lockdown?

definitely fitter


Before: gym x 2-3, hill run x 1-2, military fitness class x 1, yoga x 1

Now: home gym x 2 - 3, cycling x 2 -3, my own made up yoga x 1 - 2, touch rugby x 1

Not including daily dog walks etc 

Have lost about 8lbs which I think is a combo of flab plus a bit of muscle (don’t have as big weights at home).  But I probably look a bit better.

Have just re-joined gym and will take up a yoga class when it re-starts.

So lockdown hasn’t been detrimental, all in all.

did you exercise pre-lockdown ?


what exercise did you do?

running, swimming, pilates, barre, long bracing walks

We’re you able to carry this on during lockdowns?

just the running and walking, when the pools reopened last year I was so happy. I cant wait to get back to a barre class

are you in better or worse shape now than pre lockdown?

about the same, got in worse shape during lockdown

did you exercise pre-lockdown ? Yes 4-5 times a week

what exercise did you do? Swim 2-3 times, 2  Group Classes (HIT, Bodypump, Bikram Yoga). 

We’re you able to carry this on during lockdowns? No - No pools open, No Bikram, No Group Classes.

are you in better or worse shape now than pre lockdown? Worse about half a stone.

Lockdown was the longest time I have gone without swimming in 20+ years.

I have resumed my above regime the minute the outdoor pools (and now gyms) are open, but I had a completely sedentary Nov - Mid April (bar about 2 weeks of lockdown lifting. I cant even tell you how much difference it makes to how I feel now I can swim and exercise. 

I appreciate the "just go running" comments, but sorry running isn't my jam. I am a swimmer and i find motivation from exercising in a group. 

did you exercise pre-lockdown ?


what exercise did you do?

Running, Gym ( a relative beginner treadmill and cross-trainer) Ballet

We’re you able to carry this on during lockdowns?

running and did ballet on youtube, but also added small weights to my routine (ex did weights etc I have carried on) 

are you in better or worse shape now than pre lockdown?

Much better shape due to weights.. who knew. 

i have been fairly consistent with my work outs since last March. I managed to bag a barbell and decent weights so have increased my bench by about 5kg for reps and deadlift by about 15kg. up to 10 pull ups from 6.


at the upper end of my preferred weight range. have been at the bottom of it too during lockdown so think its just my usual fluctuations which depend on pies and gin not exercise. 




Swimming, cycling, running

Swimming only when pools opened. Couldn't be bothered to solve the problem of my broken bike, so that hasn't been fixed (would have been easier to do without lockdown but it's a bit on me too). Running more.


I was in great shape when the gyms opened after the last round of lockdown thanks to online yoga and pilates that were far tougher classes than your bog standard gym chain classes. Of course I pretty much gave up all hope / exercise over winter lockdown save for brisk walking so I am dreading finding out just how badly unfit i now am :(

weight - the same. Lost muscle / gained Stoli 

yes, daily gym

yes but it's not the same intensity (like 20-30000 steps but rarely work up a sweat)

I have not tested with tighter clothes recently. Boobs are much bigger which is a bad sign.


did you exercise pre-lockdown ? Yes

what exercise did you do?  Triathlon style training

We’re you able to carry this on during lockdowns? no

are you in better or worse shape now than pre lockdown? different.  I am now doing more strength work.  So stronger, but cardio not as good.  Swings and roundabouts

No I do things like cook meals, clean up, run errands, longest I will sit still in leisure time is for the length of a film, which is a big reason why I don’t like long films.

Childcare and work BT.

in seriousness, am much like Bobbie. Was in a good state after ld1. Shit state now. Do lots of walks and bend and snap when do the laundry 

did you exercise pre-lockdown ?


what exercise did you do?

6 x mornings each week: 3 x runs, 1 x indoor rower, 1 x indoor bike, plus weights - all but the runs in a gym.

Were you able to carry this on during lockdowns?

Eventually. Initially ran 10km every morning in April 2020, then predictably got shin splints. Wangled access to a rower and indoor bike, and  bought some weights, and then established a sustainable routine May 2020+

are you in better or worse shape now than pre lockdown?

Better, but while fitter I still need to lose weight: in WFH, the fridge is dangerously accessible...

did you exercise pre-lockdown ? NO

what exercise did you do? NONE OF IT

We’re you able to carry this on during lockdowns? I DID NONE OF IT FOR A BIT BUT THEN I STARTED TO LEARN TO RUN. 

are you in better or worse shape now than pre lockdown? BETTER I THINK

I had to take to road and park running during LD.  It fooked my muscles and joints compared with the kindness of a decent running machine which will shield you from most of the impact.

It was virtually impossible to replicate weights and resistance equipment in a modest size flat; I had to make do with press-ups, sit-ups and some squats / dips.

If we are going to enter into a new area of healthcare fanaticism then maybe we should start banning fatties from pubs and take aways.