Most moving big/small screen deaths

I have been quite moved by the checking out of a character in neighbours recently. Very sensitively handled I felt. I felt the same with that bit in terminator 2 when arnie gets lowered into the molten steel. Have you ever thought a screen death especially moving? 

Clive - zoes mum Fay. She had been deteriorating with Huntington's before getting pneumonia. It's not a way to go.

The bit in top gun also with goose just prone in the water and the air medic guy shouting 'weve got to leave him sir'. Powerful stuff. No wonder maverick didnt win the top gun trophy.

Small screen it has to be arya cutting litttlefinger.  Or maybe ragnar lothbrok in vikings. 

Big screen I would say is a tougher call.  Maybe Sean bean in LOTR? 

For Linda

I want you to tell her that I cannot explain... ...why I broke with her as I did. But that since then, my life has been worth nothing. I pushed the blade in deeper than you just have my boy... ...and now I need you to help me withdraw it. Tell her it is lucky for her that I have gone... ...and I am glad not to have to live without her. Tell her, her love was the only real happiness that I have ever known. Will you do that for me?

i need to watch it now


But look at it, Johnny. Look at it! This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, man. Just let me go out there, let me get one wave before you take me. One wave. Where am l gonna go, man? Cliffs on both side. l'm not gonna paddle to New Zealand! My whole life has been about this moment, Johnny. Come on, compadre. Come on. COME ON!

Via con Dios!

What the fook, Utah? You let him go!

No, l didn't.

No way! The guy's nuts. We'll get him when he comes back in.

He's not coming back.

Props back 3. I have read enough on here to know you're the real deal neighbours wise.


As I think there was something magnificent about the way kurt Russell checked out in Poseidon. That's a gutsy way to dance.

Most upsetting ones for me:

The policeman in Reservoir Dogs

Baby in Trainspotting

Frank Sabotka in The Wire

Wallace in The Wire

Jenny in Forrest Gump

Bambi’s mum/Mufasa dead heat

Hank in Breaking Bad

Bill Nighy’s character in About Time (that film makes me sob tho) 

The beginning of Up, when his wife dies

Hillary in Beaches

Artax the horse in The Neverending Story

Bing Bong - Inside Out (yes, I love Pixar/Disney)

Shelby - Steel Magnolias




Chambers I know it is being pedantic, but the death you are thinking of was in Logan, not Wolverine which was the crappy movie set in Japan, or even worse if you could have people thinking it was X Men Origins Wolverine

Commander Andersen and his squad in "The Rock".  


Hummel: Goddamn it, Commander, one last time. You tell your men to safety their weapons, drop 'em on the deck.

Anderson: I cannot give that order!

Hummel: I am not gonna repeat that order!


Brilliant instrumental track playing through the scene, too.  


Indeed.  She was spared the rather awkward PFOing and returning to the cold embrace of Billy Zane once she arrived in NYC and saw where Jack planned to sleep for the night.

The lack of people mentioning Titanic is probably because of lack of caring about the characters and their totally being enough room on the plank for both of them but Winslet's character being slefish and keeping it to herself.

I'm fine with most screen deaths that happen in 'ordinary' circumstances e.g. someone dying from a disease or old age (although Bill Nighy in About Time is an exception).  But I get really teary at any sort of heroic death.  Of the ones mentioned above, I cried at:

Blackadder Goes Forth
Bing Bong
Buffy in Season 5

And I've also cried at:

Bruce Willis in Armageddon
Anthony Hopkins in The Mask of Zorro
Gabriel Byrne's D'Artagnan in The Man In The Iron Mask
Iron Man in Endgame
Draco in DragonHeart
Ray the firefly in The Princess and the Frog
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid

Many of the deaths in The Walking Dead.  I've never cried so much at a TV series. Carol killing the little girl Lizzie (who went off the rails and knifed her sister so she would turn into a zombie to play with) is one that I still think about from time to time 

I was profoundly moved by michael Schofields death in prison break but maybe even more so by big brad bellic taking one for the team and holding that big pipe up for the lads and finding redemption in the process. I loved PB back in the day.

Surprised no one has mentioned Maximus in Gladiator. For me it's not so much his actual keeling over (given that he's successfully avenged his murdered wife and son), but the moments after when he's carried out with that great music starting.  

Gracchus: Who will help me carry him? 

Oh yes, Katherine in the English Patient, massive tear fest.

small screen: Bastogne in Band of Brothers (esp the nurse), Thomas Moore in The Tudors, perhaps because both based on true stories.