France quarantined

Schapps is being ruthless. 

Does this mean you cannot go to France until lifted, or does it just mean you have to quarantine on return? If the latter assume that’s no biggie for people with WFH jobs. What does it mean for travel insurance? Does travel insurance matter in the EU if you have EHIC?

FCO advice is currently against all foreign travel except for places on the exemption list. France (and the Netherlands and Malta and some others) have been taken off the exemption list. 


God I'm glad I got Venice in when we did. It was a perfect time away, enjoyable luxury not too busy and no quarantine threats.

Right now with Spain, France, Luxembourg, Belgium etc going on to lists with little/no notice it seems reckless to book a holiday or go on one.

It wasn't stupid. It was entirely achievable, as your sainted jacinda has shown. Whether taking the measures to achieve that would have been a good thing overall is another matter entirely. 

now do stop being a tit it's boring 

Dude why do you struggle so much to understand I don't value your good opinion? Are you really that arrogant? 

You don't like me, fine noted. whatever 

I don't dislike you. I think you need to show some humility about your catastrophically erroneous prediction. That's why people continue to take the p*ss, not because you got it wrong.

Everyone on that thread was wrong, no one had shown any 'humility' it's just become a pathetic rof meme for something to make you all feel you belong or something. This isn't the cheers bar, these aren't your friends. Give over 

Do you have a fucking klaxon that goes off or something when someone starts tedeing along this line?

i don't need to 'revise my opinion'. If I was insisting that only 50 people had in fact died you might have a point. I very obviously have not. Now shut it 

this was apparently justified because the risk of catching coronavirus in france has increased “materially” - their cases per 100,000 people have increased by 66%! Sixty-six! From absolutely fuck all to one point six six times absolutely fuck all!

why don’t u tell them, if it’s a concern to you?

ps like anyone believes you’re not wanking like a bandit into your own beard while left hand typing, u joker

I know someone who’s gone to France and his boss is in his 70’s and diabetic and has told him not to come back to work for three weeks after he gets home to be on the safe side!

Urgh what a PITA tom

quarantining for 14 days wouldn't be that big a deal I don't have to go to the office anyway. It's the risk of getting caught in foreign mentalness that's the problem. 

I think we are going to have to cancel. I have found a bargainous hotel as well, was so looking forward to it 

I know someone who’s gone to France and his boss is in his 70’s and diabetic and has told him not to come back to work for three weeks after he gets home to be on the safe side! 

Nice selfless boss there, sails. 

It has been obvious for a while that France was going to go on list soon, the risk should have been factored into any decision to go so (and some people interviewed have admitted) don't have much sympathy for those  over there complaining now.


They want to keep everyone on Daily Mail island so people don't realise how profoundly sh1t it is.  If people go to France they might see the proper infrastructure and stuff.  

Schapps is being ruthless. 


Supreme Chancellor Cummings is being ruthless..... but to get "Exams Fiasco" off the front pages

not to stop Covid spread (and possibly as a fuck you french tourist industry but not sure on that front)

If you're able to work from home then the 14-day quarantine on return from France doesn't seem like much of an issue.  The bigger problem will be if France impose a corresponding 14-day quarantine on arrivals from the UK, which I think is what they did before they were added to the exemption list, so I assume they'll do the same again.  It wouldn't be a very fun holiday if you have to spend 2 weeks trapped in your hotel room / airbnb / rented chateau.

quarantine is a big deal Shiny, it is not going out at all, no exercise no shopping, nothing, for entire family for 2 weeks.   I personally do not think a holiday is worth that even if you can WFH

The title of this thread reminds me of the apocryphal headline :

"fog in channel: the Continent cut off"

I suppose we will be back to calling it then Continent" soon 

But how many people will do that Guy?
Plenty will WFH and not go into work I'm sure but I doubt very many will completely isolate for 14 days as they are meant to.

I'd be interested to know how many people have actually been fined for breaching quarantine rules and to what extent checks are being carried out.  I'd be amazed if the rules on quarantine are being enforced in any meaningful way or complied with at all.

Not yet I think Guy certainly not nationally, but I think one or two local authorities are starting to do that.  Local enforcement might be more meaningful.

For sure anyone who is a solicitor is in a different situation no question, but I think most people will bend the rules or go into grey areas when it comes to quarantine.  It's probably not so much breaking the law in minds of many as ignoring it because the law just isn't being enforced.

My neighbour went to Portugal regardless and came back and spent two weeks living lockdown style with food delivery and working from home and two kids marauding around the garden as they would during school holidays.  However,  he was on a zoom meeting and ignored the quarantine people trying to check in on him so they called local plod round to make sure he was at home.

I must be in the fortunate position of not hating my family so much that I don't view staying at home with them for 14 days to be much of a hardship. 

FAOD I'm not planning on going to France or any of the other countries that aren't on the official 'safe' list, but if I were dead set on a holiday to one of them then I wouldn't be put off by having to quarantine in the UK when I got back.  It's the threat of having to quarantine while I'm there that would be more problematic, and that seems to be what a lot of people are overlooking.

It is not about hating ones family it is about avoiding house arrest for 2 weeks - sure if you are lucky enough to have a big garden and easy access to food delivery it is less irksome than otherwise but still a big imposition that I would not  think a week or two in France or Spain is worth.  Keep in mind it is far stricter than even the height of lockdown

The chap I know who’s been told to quarantine for three weeks has gone to sit round a lake in France fishing and I can’t understand giving up three weeks’ pay to go fishing.

Enforcement is sporadic.  Even if Plod come round they have no powers of entry.

The mood music seems to be they will make 3 visits before referring you to someone, somewhere for 'non compliance'.

Even then, I would just say I was on a Zoom meeting or having sex, or something.  

If you are a solicitor I think breaching would be stupid - it may only be a fine as punishment but I think the Sra will be interested and would probably involve duty to self report.  

Even if you're quarantining/ self isolating you're allowed to go to the shop if there is no one to bring you food. I doubt even the SRA would care that you went to Sainsbury's tbh 

You can get food and medicine in “exceptional circumstances” but I think you would need to prove you tried and failed to obtain delivery services from shops and the volunteer service 

what sort of sad sack can't get  mate or neighbour to help with food, so basically stuck at home solid.

yeah fair does it does say you can, and if you aren't regulated fuck it, if you are its a dishonest act and the sra are tits

elderly unlikely to be nobbing off to France right? but even if they are, you get on the priority list or local community for help. I have helped a few isolaters out. no biggie

Reality is unless you live in the middle of the Scottish highlands or your own island everyone will have access to some sort of delivery, there will be no excuse to go to shops

Leaving aside quarantining after jaunts to France, there are plenty of people who don't have internet, have patchy or absent community or family support, and the shielding support/prioritisation has now been withdrawn. Not everyone has an Ocado account.