Junk food of the Gods
a perfectly no… 28 Feb 20 19:29
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I don’t generally eat much junk food. You might be surprised by that, but that’s probably because you’re a blithering one-eyed twot who believes the usual ROF slander about me.

I do make exceptions tho, especially for:

- Niknaks (nice and spicy flavour only)

- Cadbury’s mini egg

- beef and tomato pot noodle

What’s your guilty pleasure you dirty little fooker

Cadbury's: Dairy Milk, Creme Eggs, Caramel

Milka bars (when I can find them in the UK)


Tesco variety pack crisps; Snackrite variety crisps from Aldi


Kettle Chips and Tyrell's

Lays crisps; sold in France, but haven't seen them in the UK

Currywurst mit pommes (when in Berlin)

Belgian chocolat (especially from Jeff de Bruges; n.b. too pricey in the UK)

Pommes frites

Haribo tangtastics

The huge variety of sweets and confections one can find in a supermarket in Germany



Actually yes.

Sandwich emmental-frites, or charcuterie, emmental and crisps!.

Or just a crisp or frites sandwich alone, especially. with mayonnaise  de Dijon or moutarde de Dijon.

Elegant home dining.

I do love a maccy d obv, and I’m not averse to dominos although the last delivery was shit, do not go for their new chicken and chorizo thing it’s vom.

My worst weakness is.... um... I dunno.... I actually eat quite healthily.  I have a choccy from time to time but I don’t go mad if I don’t have them.  Are asparagus cup-a-soups junk food?  I love those.

Squash?  I drink it buy the shedload.  I’m ok with a beef and onion pot noodle but I prefer those 26p ones you can get from Lidl.  Aha! Crisps.  That’s my weakness.  And fries (not a huge fan of thick chips unless from a proper chippy and mine isn’t open until 25th March).  But I do like gravy sometimes on the chips, so I assume I will be forgiven.

For a hang-over, it's all about fatty and carby stuff. 

I'd go with lots of white bread, toasted very lightly, with lots of thick real butter.  And sprinkle with coarsely ground salt for a starter.


Meanwhile, cook sausages and make a sausage sandwich with which is 50/50 sausage/ketchup.

thanks all - I'm not "ready" to drive yet and am not within walking distance of a shop, so will have some breaded haddock fillets on iceberg lettuce with jalapenos and loads of tomato sauce.  

If I had some bread, I'd have marmite on toast.  

anything delivered from the nearest McDs would be cold mush by the time it got to me. 

With a hangover it's incredible how what you REALLY NEED to eat RIGHT NOW can change in a split second.  


I can forgive not having baking potatoes, but how do you not have bread?  Even when not stockpiling I keep a couple of loaves in the freezer.  Schoolboy error meit!

Maccy Ds

Fish n chips with a side sausage or saveloy

Chinese takeaway



Pot noodle although I am a definiteely not chicken flavour man

Tecs - I tend not to have bread in the house generally because I would live on toast.  Carbs make me fat unfortunately, and bread is my favourite carb.  And crisps, so I tend not to have those either. It's the only way!   

Pasta, however, I find completely resistible and have plenty in stock. 

A loaf in the freezer can only realistically be used as toast tho.  And as you say, marmite is pretty much a wonder drug for whatever ails you.  Quite often after my little episodes I don’t eat for 3-4 days and that happens about once or twice a month but the one thing that can get me back into the land of the living is marmite on toast.

Wot Wang (before the SuperNoodles 'n' Pot Noodle sh1te - much prefer a quick and easy propah stir fry with fresh veg in when noodles needed anyway) and Guy sed.

KFC relatively much healthier than most other takeaways, apparently. Pizza (esp. Dominos) veh veh veh maxi bad.

An occasional (once every couple of months at most) junk food evening is a relatively rare treat that is all the better for being so.