Labour leadership election
  • 24 February: Labour Party members receive postal ballots and online voting forms

Have you received yours yet?

They've taken my money but not confirmed how I vote yet.  When I sent a chaser there was an automatic reply basically saying they are inundated.

RLB and Burgon dream ticket for me, Clive.


Thank you for signing up to be a supporter of the Labour Party in order to participate in the 2020 Leadership contests. We are receiving a very large volume of correspondence at this time and it may take us a little longer than usual to respond to your email.


You can find more information online at


Best wishes,

The Labour Party

Sent by email from the Labour Party, promoted by Jennie Formby, General Secretary, on behalf of the Labour Party, both at Southside, 105 Victoria Street, London, SW1E 6QT.


To join or renew call 0345 092 2299.

Not yet

fookers never even got back to me to 'confirm my support' although they took the £25 sharpish 

I did get bumph through the post the other day from Starmer and Long-Bailey (huge poster of Starmer - WTF am I supposed to do with that?!). Nowt from Nandy

I've had £100 on RLB at 7/1.  I do think it's hopeless as surely there can't be such a vast disconnect between nominating bodies and the membership, but you never know and 7/1 is a big price.

I thought you believed in the value of a strong opposition, Phil? (apols if I have confused you with another poster)

do you really believe that in RLB or are you just hoping to win the bet?

Tony Blair has not endorsed any of the three candidates left in the Labour leadership contest because he did not want to damage anyone by supporting them = self aware

Tony Blair then endorses Ian Murray for deputy - WTF? Does he hate him?


Burgon is the quintessential politician of this decade. He is the right man in the right place. 

He is the Batman of westminster: not the politican anyone needs, but the one that we deserve.

or something.

Rof Royalty25 Feb 20 13:35

Tony Blair then endorses Ian Murray for deputy - WTF? Does he hate him?


Of course. Blair hates everyone. It's now he stays so driven and young looking. Pure, unfiltered rage and hatred, 24/7. 

I have now received a grovelling email from labour clarifying that the email I received from John McDonnell was actually from Labour on behalf of RLB and they will of course be doing something similar for other less mentally deficient candidates.

Also they had the wrong link in the email because of course they did the massive fookwits.

She really is the continuity candidate.

Heaven knows I am no grotty socialist, but for the country’s good we could do with an opposition that wouldn’t fvck up a trip to the shops for a loaf of bread.

Still no ballot paper for me

they are apparently going out in batches all week and we're not meant to chase them

PS if you think their email fook ups are bad, you wouldn't believe the Lib Dem ones I still get despite not being a member for years. If ever the words 'piss-up' and 'brewery' and 'couldn't organise' were more apt

Boris bossed the last election and in all probability will boss the next one.

The RoF centre-left Londoner echo chamber has been in proper meltdown since December.  

Boris won the last election because the opposition was in disarray and he promised things he couldn’t possibly deliver to an electorate desperate for some kind of certainty.

Next time around he’ll be bored and the lies will have become obvious and be hurting economically. A decent leader of the opposition will hopefully be able to convert this into a major seat gain.