Time Pieces

So I'm home from date 2 with COO and I'm not sure how we got onto the topic but I asked him if he collected watches and it turns out he does. I'm certain that this line of conversation was driven by RoF but I asked him which his favourite watch was and why. I vaguely recall someone asking about his watch on the last thread. Anywho favourite is the sky dweller and he also likes his submariner.

I found all this watch chat vaguely amusing but could not let on because I don't think revealing I post on a lame forum full of weird lawyers banging on about time pieces and netnet is really the look I'm going for. So we had quite a serious chat about watches, whilst I lay there with my trusty Fitbit on my wrist with its £5 strap.

Slightly odd date. He picked me up from the station, we talked all evening, deliveroo'd, put a film on and he fell asleep. Didn't even get a snog until this morning...

He's not. He'd had a busy week flying all over the place so whatevs. And he redeemed himself this morning.

Maths professor is cute and geeky but not seeing him until tomorrow.

Still neck and neck.

heh @ wango.

Feels like a relationship on fast forward.  3 dates and you are in the comfortable hanging out at home on a Saturday and lazy (slightly smelly) Sunday morning shags.  That should really take a few months at least. At this rate the sex will have dried up and you'll be b1tching at each other about putting the recycling out by Easter.


"you are in the comfortable hanging out at home on a Saturday and lazy (slightly smelly) Sunday morning shags"

that was our first date. Apart from not being smelly.  

I remember a roffer who was absurdly proud of an incredibly ugly green faced submariner

OMG you're dating him. He was about to get married when he stopped roffing and that was about 5 years ago. He must be divorced by now  

Someone who owns a Submariner and whose favourite watch is a Sky-Dweller is not a watch collector, he is a Rolex fanboi.*


* unless it's a 4 digit ref Sub and he has a PN Daytona in the safe but even then, a Sky-Dweller?

I know nothing about watches so I can't comment. It was a throwaway 3 minute conversation which I elongated with questions because it was mildly amusing. He has lots of them. I didn't take an inventory.

He does not work for an airline. Global food company for the EU/UK markets.

DJ36 imo. Never gone out of style and much better size than all the massive watches these days. If a collector it would prob be a 60s model on a nato strap.

'Timepiece' is one word, surely?

The Oyster Perpetual is a decent looking Rolex, but you really need some grownup brands before you can call it a collection.

Have you tried to buy a new sea dweller or Submariner of late? 2-8  year waiting list from an authorised dealer. If you can locate one, from a "trusted" non approved dealer they are going from 25 to50 % above list price. Rolex is building a factory to take account of the demand. I called 50 dealers in the last month and they all said the same thing.

Wait is for steel really, you can get others in less than 6 months usually, but then you would need to be ok wearing yellow gold...

Daytona SS going for 2-3 times retail on secondary

diamond yes for steel, and the steel and gold combo. I recall my local dealer saying about 4 years ago, supplies were running low, and I was like oh yeah of course.

Meh - the fact this bloke is ticking off in your first two dates with him all of the items that only get ROF's true uber-throbbers genuinely throbbing should at least set some alarm bells ringing.

Chicken Boy was lame, but at least he was genuinely Chicken Boy.



I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again - meh, your man picker is broken

”what do you do?” 

“I’m the COO* of a global foods company, and here is my rolex”


said no one ever

* UK & Europe only 

Meh. I have not swooned because of material things. I put that shit up on rof because it gets lapped up.

I have swooned because he is hot and kind and considerate and interesting and intelligent and fun. If/when I have to make a decision on which guy I want to keep seeing, income won't be a factor. Heck I can look after myself nicely forever on my own without a guy to pay for anything.

I didn't swoon for chicken boy at the beginning. I was intrigued by him. He was a mix of contradictions and I couldn't quite work him out. It took a while for me to catch up to him. But yes, I probably humoured him for longer because he was nuts about me and it was nice. Had he been more normal I probably wouldn't have kept seeing him and then got all caught up in feelings and stupid stuff like that.

It turned into Deliveroo because he was shattered. I don't mind Deliveroo. I mean, we're talking about second date effort but realistically, it's unlikely to work out with either of these guys and dates won't make it into double figures so does it really matter? But it's a fun way to spend gloomy Jan/Feb nights so ner.

Canadian is making me chicken parmesan tonight which I suspect will be pronounced with a zhaaan at the end of it.

"I don't mind Deliveroo" - Deliveroo is the moped/bike dude that delivers your food, which can come from anywhere.  It's like eating an apple and saying "mmm, love Fruit Logistics Limited!"



"he is hot and kind and considerate and interesting".


Are we talking about the guy who double booked you and brought two friends along on your first date and then talked about his mass market watches & fell asleep on your second date?

Meh, you don't half love the attention your car crash love life brings you. 

I do wonder how it's possible to divine how kind and considerate someone is from 2 dates. You would have to be an absolute turbo-cock not to be able to at least appear kind and considerate over that timespan

let's be honest ladies we would all quite like to go out to dinner with a super rich man who thinks we are interesting 

I don't mean in a "oh I regret my partner" way just in a woo that would be fun way

it's nice to have that dimension to a social life

What clergs said. Some of the dates I've been on have been with people who are perfectly pleasant and nice etc but just don't seem that kind. Like, not awful, but just not that alive to stuff other than themselves.

Someone going to an effort to make sure you're ok and happy etc is just nice.

So for example, on Saturday guy 1 insisted on picking me up from the station even though I was happy making my way over. And tonight guy 2 has already suggested he could meet me at the station so I dont' have to wander over to his by myself. Unnecessary but thoughtful. They both seem like nice guys.

And no, it is not the chocolate people. If it was I would have had words.

I mean you're travelling most of the way to their homes to service them sexually, the least they could do is offer a local collection service tbh, wouldn't extend them too much credit for it

It is odd that you go to their houses so soon on, like date 2. Just seems like you are the one traipsing around town to go to them. And then date 3 again, minimal effort from COO. It might be okay with you but it does come across like you’re doing all the wandering around. And he was too shattered to make dinner? It isn’t about whether you don’t mind Deliveroo, it’s about the fact he said he would cook and this making the effort - grocery shop etc. - to then fobbing you off with a couple of clicks on the phone. I have to agree with Cru 

Heh I’m assuming that’s a joke but from what I recall Lydia checks to see if they own their own houses via the land registry before she considers getting close to anyone!

Hi Meh xx

I missed the chicken boy episode - can I get a summary?

He should probably have moved the date to another day if he was so knackered. The Deliveroo and then falling asleep without a snog would have bugged me (unless I decided I didn’t fancy him in which that would be a great result). 

With hindsight I realise I’m not a fan of dates at home so soon as I think it becomes a little awkward and pressured. I made the mistake a few times and always wanted to get them out my house or run away from theirs. 

who is the Canadian maths professor? 

Heh, there is, to be fair, a bit of a sense of meh having set the bar very low here but I guess maybe that is just modern dating... "Oh he has exhibited basic politeness *swoon*."

As someone said above if you have schlepped across town for a booty call and take away pizza (or whatever) on date 2 then the least he can do is pick you up from the station.  Some would say he probably also ought to actually manage to shag you rather than fall asleep but tbf none of us are getting any younger...

It's back to the 'on fast forward' thing though. He is in the middle of getting divorced right?  It sounds very much like he is just slotting you in to the routines he had before with his ex. That's not necessarily the end of the world tbh but it does mean you run the risk of missing out on the courtship phase completely which is a bit of a shame.

heh, you do like the word performative don't you?

It really doesn't have to mean that though.  I just mean getting to know each other as friends and maintaining a little bit of distance to reflect the fact that (even if you have been shagging from day 1) you don't really know each other at all yet.  It helps stop both of you from making assumptions or getting too close to too soon.

Doesn't matter whether it is supper at Clos Maggiore in front of the fire followed by the best seats in the house at the Royal Opera House or an open mic comedy night in a pub and cheap and cheerful Turkish food (or whatever). Point is that you both made an effort, agreed on something to do and went and did it because you have discovered you seem to like doing stuff together.

I imagine it involves the performative spending of money

that is one of the ways men impress women. Men also show status in other way and develop a muscular physique 

women do things to highlight their ability to bear children and care for children

my best advice is ask yourself these questions:

1. Do you fancy him

2. Does he have a good heart

3. Do you have fun together

The rest is just a large dollop of luck

Cakers! Hello!!!! In a nutshell chicken boy was a guy I met last summer who had a couple of street food businesses and moved very very fast. He wanted to have kids and settle down from like a month or so in. I put him off for a bit because I thought we ought to figure out if we'd work as a couple before jumping in feet first and doing kids and buying a farm in the arse end of nowhere so he could have chickens and bees etc. With hindsight I don't think I had much respect for him and we split up maybe a month or so ago.

The Canadian maths professor did actually cook last night and it was delicious! I like him but I'm not feeling it as much as I thought I would. At the moment I'd say he is lagging behind COO but seeing him again on Sunday to see if it was just a bit off on that day. 

I hate the forced element of dating where I watch people go and do things they wouldn't they normally do because it's what their date wants to do.  That's not getting to know each other but getting to know the version that each want to portray to each other.  I'd much rather fast forward through that bit and find out what they actually do on a normal day in the comfort of their own home.

This is why I think there's some merit to the idea behind the Channel 4 naked dating show because people spend time thinking about what to wear for initial dates to try and portray the side of them they think the other will like.

jesus. actual ffs. staying in on date 2 is about the shittest thing I have ever heard.

genuinely reckon wife and I didnt stay in for about a year. dating is meant to be fun, not staying in and watching netflix . you stupid bastards

The ideal Sails first date is to get the lady to come round to his and spectate him sitting on the sofa in his pants, scratching his balls and refreshing ROF. "Don't try to change me, baby" 

I didn't mind the date at home thing yesterday. No TV or anything like that, just talked all night with a bottle or two of wine which we'd have done if we'd gone out anyway.

though of course a proper RogerMellie style date followed by a trip home would also achieve that so ignore me it's rubbish. (save staying in and watching telly for when you've got kids and have run out of things to say and there's  an undercurrent of resentment etc etc ffs)

It was definitely a date. Not just hanging out. But yeah, not feeling the same level of enthusiasm about him. Maybe I should just ditch them both and go back to being an old spinster?

Sounds like this could be a good plan but maybe give both another chance and see... 


re chicken boy: sounds intense with the speed at which he wanted to move but I’ll save my judgment... those in glass houses etc ;) 

Probably should have added that I was concerned he was rebounding after a pretty long relationship so yeah, I didn't appreciate the constant pressure. I think he was more enamoured with the placeholder I could fill in the little life he dreamed for himself, rather than me for me. Anywho, it's all for the best.

Never had an interest in watches but my wife got me a Datejust Oyster Perpetual on my wedding day and it’s a lovely watch. Great shape to the strap that differentiates it from the 75% of expensive watches which are just fooking enormous.

Was at a party last month and a hospital consultant insisted on telling me that his hideous gold Rolex cost 45k. Told my wife to shoot me if I ever became that kind of aunt.

Great shape to the strap that differentiates it from the 75% of expensive watches which are just fooking enormous.


Told my wife to shoot me if I ever became that kind of aunt

gosh well this is awkward