Caroline Flack - dead?

Committed suicide if Twitter is to be believed. Yet another casualty of Love Island. 


She obviously had a really difficult situation going on it seems a bit simplistic to identify any one reason. 

Altho this is less weird than the people on twitter blaming love island.

Suicide day after Valentines day , probably not with her X who refused to press charges, looming trial in a few days, and career in tatters in the meanwhile. I guess these were major plays in her demise.

Hello Doggers! How are you?

I have a feeling that she had been dealing with issues for a long time...

But, as someone said, the idiot ponitificators who are "blaming" love island should have a word with themselves : that inflatable dinghy of a human being that is Eamonn Holmes actually said something to the effect of "well, there have to be repercussions for love island now".  I can think of lots of reasons why that brain cell sapping nonsense should be ended, but leaping to a spurious link between the programme and this awfulness is just so ridiculous and irresponsible...

Also what teclis said.

Fill the void with external approbation and see how that works out.

That said I don't think choosing to live is a particularly rational choice, it's an emotional/ instinctive one.

2 of them were contestants, and while there is a debate to be had about the effects of reality TV in general, and how takes "ordinary" people, chews them up and spits them out, yes, it is a fecking insane leap to insist that the particular programme had anything to do with the tragic suicide of a professional woman who has been in the public eye for 18 years, and seemed to be extremely happy to be part of the programme for 6 seasons, had every intention of continuing to be part of it until the assault charge.

As opposed to thinking that, maybe, just maybe, faced with the destruction of her career and financial disaster (if she was found guilty of the assault, her career would be, to all intents and purposes over), she made a terrible and tragic decision.

I'm not sure that description does it justice. She was awaiting trial for bludgeoning her partner with a lamp. It's not like it was bad luck (although obv there but for the grace of God re impulse control etc).

Err impulse control?  I can categorically state that I do not have violent impulses and find it weird that people do.

if I’ve hit someone then I’ve made a decision to hit them.  The way ou say it you’ve wanted to hit someone but your decision making got in the way.

I've never wanted to hit anyone but any decision you make is based on your brain infrastructure and ability to process impulses and frustrations. You are not necessarily aware of your own lack of impulse control. And violence against others and oneself are often from the same font.

Also you can simultaneously think that her death is tragic, and the tabloids are trash, and that what she did (assuming she did) was terrible. 

well, most people the emotional range to think all that. 

Would personalities give plaudits if Phil Schofield bumped himself off?  You bet they would.  This is a man who suspected he was gay, lied to his wife about it for years and even had some children with her.

far worse imo.  Lying to your partner fgs.

You don't know she didn't know. Indeed it seems improbable that she didn't. She might also have been gay or not that into sex. The outrage over that is gross and invasive 

an ex of mine told me to stay the fook away from her, years ago.

did you take your ex's advice or did you go ahead and start up a dangerous, fiery and, yes, passionate affair with la Flack?

Lindaradlett and Teclis - to clarify, I think Teclis was saying he would happily accept being lamped ONCE (I read that to mean a one-off lamping rather than continuous lampings) over being lied to repeatedly over 30 years.

The misunderstanding arose due to the frequency of the wrongful actions.

I note that the Sunday Times article has chosen to picture 4 selfies of ms flack with a dog. *

As an English man, I am obviously now thinking OMG SHE HAD A DOG HOW COULD She as the editorial team no doubt intended. 

*could be a dog, could be that alien from men in black

"Pretty weird that the BBC clearly had an obituary ready to go. I suppose they must for everyone."

My m7 is at the mirror and they have an obit ready for literally every sleb going. I guess they all come in handy eventually...