How long before

Lawrence Fox - of whom I only had the gentlest awareness prior to recent outbreak of goborrhoea- announces that he is taking time off work and twitter to ‘deal with mental health issues’ and to address the only recently identified bipolar disorder that he is battling with. #prayforFoxy  

Yes Hoolie. A combined family tribunal Edward Fox and James Fox could be a fairly tough gig.
EF ‘but we just don’t DO that you damned fool’ - Jams in pipe and stalks off round the room.

JF (more calmly): tell us, Lawrence, why you feel the need to express all this. 

followed by a combined bollocking of the sort that Margaret Thatcher would give Geoffrey Howe. 


I think all of your predictions of doom and gloom for Lozza are premature : dude is flying high right now, he is this month's People's Warrior, Slayer of "Wokeists", Tireless Seeker of The Truth, Premium Snowflake Melter, and General Cutter Downer of the Liberal Loony Left, and he is very loudly being "saluted, sir, for his courage" in "saying what we were all thinking" and "fighting the good fight".

There is an army of little, desperate people out there who are determined to keep Lozza aloft (some of his brother officers do their best to keep RoF fragrant and lovely).

If he can keep himself in check, and avoid revisiting his earlier statements to the effect that hollywood actresses wearing low cut dresses in the me too era was an inherent contradiction that only a wilfully blind Wokeist could ignore (cos everyone knows that bothering about how you look and wearing a haute couture gown is shorthand for "totally understand if I've confused you re the whole "consent" irritation, really, it's my fault if you thought this dress meant you or anyone else who fancies it can have a go on me or any other woman, after all, if I'm honest, what else does showing cleavage and wearing make up mean"), I reckon the world will be graced with soothing Lozzenges (sorry!) for some time to come...

Oh, and another thing... ...why has every fu*ker in the public eye suddenly remembered they were a bit mental in their youth? PTSD from being in tough school... ...get ta' fu*k.

It’s more that I am sick and tired of people getting themselves in shit by public statements on TV or twitter then doing a massive pity-me withdrawal from social media due to feeling attacked (this cock did 13 tweets to announce his withdrawal from twitter by the way ...) when the better thing might be just to shut up and not to provoke people with your opinions.  So fooking predictable and tedious. 

I dont tweet and don’t express views on these subjects, here or anywhere other than in private.  who knows whether I agree or disagree with his views. I just don’t condone massive raging statements in the public space followed by public statements of discontent about how evewyone is so howwid... just shut the fook up then if you don’t want to own it. 

one man's "massive raging statement".... etc.

I disagree with you in the sense that there is a problem with social media making it virtually impossible to have any kind of civilised debate or disagreement. and this is just a symptom of that.  I don't think the answer is to criticise those who put their heads above the parapet, however briefly.

I think he's achieved exactly what he set out to achieve given the release of a new album, etc.  The fact you're all still talking about him is proof of this.

I'm afraid I haven't got the faintest, foggiest iota of a clue what my question was.

Could we please assume that it was either profoundly deep or profoundly witty?