Time to join the Labour party?

I never thought I'd ever contemplate doing this, but we need a decent opposition more than ever now and that's not going to happen whilst Momentum have Labour in their claws. 

Lots of people are talking about this - but for me not until Corbyn is gone. I don't trust the momentum faction not to choose to interpret the influx of new members as endorsement. They're already claiming the "hold your nose" element of votes they received vindicates their position. 

No, never got round to it. Ideologically they were the party I supported at the election, but it was academic since the imperative was to vote Labour tactically.

Now, I shall at the very least be voting in the leadership election and waiting to see if a proper vote-winning Labour leader who doesn't appeal only to freaks will emerge..

What's the deal on joining Labour now?

Have they got rid of Ed Miliband's £3 a pop for voting rights wheeze yet?

Agree with Orwell that Momentum (and the anti-Semitism) need to be rooted out ASAP but fear they'll have stitched up the whole party by now for years to come.

Laz, have you decided yet which constituency will have the honour of receiving a pushing 50, privately educated, white, male, ex-pat lawyer as its candidate?

There must be literally dozens of them screaming out for such a person to represent the people.

Bolsover maybe? 

there are literally dozens as you say. Labour is short of private sector honed talent and, much as we have in recent years seen the rise of the political foetus, politics remains very open to people who bring wider experience.

Bolsover might be good yes. But, much like the effects of the French Revolution, too early to say.

As for being an ex pat, I do not anticipate being an ex pat when I actually stand for Parliament. I should have thought it would be apparent to a man of your intellect (as it is to me) that such an approach would be unlikely to work, for a number of reasons.

Delighted to hear that there are literally dozens.

Will you be giving them much notice, because one would have thought that some solid prep time would be advisable - which kinda means getting yourself establishing next year does it not?

Is lady laz aware that she is going to be moving soon to some as yet to be determined northern town on the off chance of you being selected as its labour candidate?

Mate, one thing that’s for sure is that I will seek to engage your services as an expert consultant on the whats wheres and hows of the labour parry.

Sounds like you’ll need them.

Your current plan sounds a little under thought.

This may be one of the reasons that the whole ‘labour front bench by 2015’ plan is still not quite at fruition.

lets see the policies and cabinet, anna. I hear that ERG lot are getting kicked out. 

they are convening outside and are planning to drive a split to maintain their far right momentum. 

I am happy to have them on the outside and keep barking.