Hater-London thread

What is your least favourite thing about London, and what is most London about it?

Me, the air quality. Being a parent it's a real worry.

least favourite thing about London, and what is most London about it?


The people. London people are rude, miserable, impatient, selfish aunts on the whole. 


As a city, London isn't shit, it just has shitness in it...and in that shitness it excels.

The best way to make London a much better place would be to turn the congestion charging zone into an exclusion zone. Ban all private cars and require any diesel powered delivery vehicle to make their deliveries between midnight and 6 am.

Anyone who drives a car in central London is aunt.

Minimum wage retail staff don't unload deliveries. A business could hire one or two extra people to if needed to work the  night shift to receive deliveries. This happens in many businesses already. If English people are too lazy to make the job then there are plenty of hard working immigrants who would happily do it (like most other low paying work in this country).

saying it in a "clever" way doesn't make you less wrong, wobble. There are plenty of cities around the world that have pedestrianised large portions of their downtown areas. if they can do it, London can do it.

"There are plenty of cities around the world that have pedestrianised large portions of their downtown areas"


And they are all shit and crime riddles as a result. 



YOu said: - make their deliveries between midnight and 6 am.


The New York pilot program you linked to said: - a) it was voluntary. b) shift their delivery windows to between 7 pm and 6 am. c) you spazz. 

Obsession over recycling yet the inability to address some of the impracticalities of doing so in the context of a big city--I have a box full of broken electronics, used batteries, burnt-out bulbs, etc., that I have no idea what to do with. At some point I am just going to put it all in one bag and dump it in the communcal rubbish collection point for my building even though I'm not supposed to.

Least fave thing about London, dunno, probably the cost of the house, but it’s done now so don’t really think about it.

air quality was a big one but we moved to this bit specifically because of the air quality and country feel / lack of roads + traffic.


maybe that the kids will be able to roam a lot less than I did. 

Southwark council, OB. The only place that seems to take electronics, etc., is in a stabby area half an hour's walk from where I live. I don't care about the planet THAT much.

The irony that everyone there thinks they're cosmopolitan and worldly when in fact they're totally London-centric, inward looking and terrified of straying outside the M25 unless absolutely necessary.

Commuting on tube/train. Unbelievable angst, aggression and arsiness the likes of which I've never seen elsewhere, included on way more crowded systems across the world. 

Agree with Supes. Those that disagree are probably city oiks.


Pollution, crime, filth, overcrowding, astronomical cost of living, the money laundering capital of Europe (McRussian Mafia, McChina, McGulf).