Wang just..

Honestl mate just fooking fook off with your nasty shit stirring crap.  Seriously.  Yes, fine in the early 90s I was lucky to not get arrested.  Look up some of the stuff I mentioned on another thread.  Look up my best fooking friends white-dragon and tfreak and tbaur and msofty and a Brunch of other people.

My hacker nicknames were mindjam and chancer.  fooking go have fun with them and stop taking the fooking piss.

If you want to be a historian, there was a RoF equivalent in the 1980s on Compuserv, populated largely by US lawyers and legal journalists, who used to slag each other off all the time.

Not many Brits on there, though I (at CC at the time) got into a minor argument with someone at Sidley in Chicago.

Just like this place.

Wangsun, perhaps a product of the negligible traffic the discussion board attracts, but I was so hoping you would have taken the tru ROF path and not contributed to any post calling on a poster.


I've got to admit... I have no real idea what Teclis is claiming to have created/claiming to have known (also I did not he appears to have given evidence on Vapping to parliament on that thread!).

I am clear that, on the basis of past conduct and no evidence to support this... I don't believe there is a Scooby chance that this is true.

However,  I vacillate between wanting to call him out because he is so predominant and irritating and wanting to be kind to the afflicted...It's really hard to know how to respond to Teclis, and this thread shows those two approaches.





I don't even know what it is, so the scale of this achievement is lost on me


Last night you seemed singularly unconvinced it was true - what changed? Other than your usual contrarianism?

I googled it as he suggested and there’s a picture of a guy dressed in 90s fashion who probably is the young teclis. I emphasise I don’t really know what ircbar is or whether founding it is any form of achievement.

usually stickers has a fairly high threshold about male banter but ffs what has transpired here from teclis is proper mental. 

teclis - you need to have a word with yourself.


what mutters said at 11.48pm last night. 

By the way chambo, it wouldn’t have been in the 80s mate.  CompuServe didn’t actually offer any internet services until the very early 90s.  Until then I think they offered a sort of text news delivery system thing.  But definitely no chat or forums.

Yeah as a nerd I was interested so I looked into it.  1989 would have been the earliest.  Not that it really matters of course, just something I was musing over.

I think you’re very pretty Badders and will happily send you any number of high end  bath stuff m7.

And laz, lol, stop pretending you don’t know what I look like u nob.

Wang, I was searching for Hugh's prediction of woot van Aert winning the TdF and this came up under the search term "Woot" somehow.

I didn't go looking for it, FFS.

By the way. My youngest was being a backchatting little shite just now and I almost called him risky when chastising him. The 'R' formed in my mouth before I managed to recover it. FFS. I might be over-roffed. 

heh @ royalty’s rofbrain

i have used “tuglite” casually in conversation with friends and they sort of got what i meant but i felt embarrassed for hours afterwards