Descriptions of you by other rofers


"RoF royalty" (From the Ashes)

"Reichstag-burning Radical" (Laz)

"Sweet little petal" (Bailey)

"Communist" (Clubman)

"Crashing snob" (Hoolie)

Muttley called me a terrible deviant (or words to that effect) the other day.  Which I think sums up the general opinion.  Apart from some aunt who called me a fake feminist.

My favourite description of Badders is Sumo’s  question about how to recognise him at pre-Christmas drink burgers: “Do you still look like a 1980s action man who decided to go work in a bank?”

At the time of reading I almost inhaled my tea.

Love you sweetheart, obvs (Badders, not Sumo - although I can’t get enough of Sumo’s tits).





Gwen - I think I said you're the best addition to ROF in several years at least and to keep posting at a point when you were considering not doing so. Stand by the former and glad you're over the latter.

I love Gwen too. And am happy to see Laz back. Tec was a bit odd earlier, are you ok? You seem to be very different from when you first joined and even from a year ago when you met us in London