Hobbies you judge people for

1. Excessive weight lifting. It makes me think they must be a bit dim (guys or girls).

2. Ultimate frisbee. This is the lamest 'sport' in existence.

3. Hockey. Unless you are female, in which case fair enough.

1. Quidditch. You can't fly, nerds. (and I love the HP books, but c'moooon)

2. Bus spotting

3. Furries (is this a hobby? I guess it must be).

4. Gaming over several hours a day. Go outside, get some vitamin D.

I am quite judgey so I am sure I can come up with more.

Hunting, let alone trophy hunting (in which case I *will* hit you - feeling big pulling the trigger on a defenseless animal? w**ker

fishing - are you super boring or do you have a book with you?

football - you do what everyone does , to fit in, or maybe it is fun after all?

model builder - yawners mate, so now you have a miniature airplane from we1, congrats

a friend plays bridge.


if somebody pesters him to buy a ticket to come to an am dram performance, he says, "fine, as long as you pay to come and watch me play bridge".


I might adopt this approach

I noticed the other day that a solicitor acting for the other side listed his hobbies (on his firm's website) as "cooking" and "spending time with family". Mental. Just mental.

I thought writing 'quidditch' was some kind of weird joke then I googled it and saw fully grown adults doing this. This fact makes me uneasy.

I'm also sceptical of people with no hobbies.

I want to add 'circus school' stuff to the list. Not cool things like doing backflips or trapeze but nonsense like juggling.

Adults that do Lego Wibble? Guilty as charged.

The creations are pretty good though, so i've been told.

I don't do it every day, but more fun for me than watching TV

I am not sure I have a hobby per se

I walk far, I like nice food and drink, I watch films, I read books, I am learning languages. R these hobbies?

maybe we should have a good hobbies thread

Anna - wot bullshit. Sk8 Boarding is kewl no end, the only cap is your bodily ability

got a friend who does it in his 40s and top notch

Your friend is clearly a twot.

Err no he isn’t. He lives in Nairobi and Germany and has founded „skate aid“, an organization which brings equipment to Kenya and builds skate parks there. He skates and practices martial arts most of the time, he also works freelance for the foreign ministry 

he has fun whilst doing something good whilst we are doc blozzing

you can be quite judgmental 


Err no he isn’t. He lives in Nairobi and Germany and has founded „skate aid“, an organization which brings equipment to Kenya and builds skate parks there.

fooking hell, what did Kenya do to deserve that?

Skateboarders are enough of a nuisance here.

Worse than skateboarding is people on scooters.

I hate people on scooters too, but at least they are going somewhere. Skateboarding is just moving for the sake of it (but not in a way that will actually give you an aerobic workout or something useful like that).


A good friend from school went and did physics at uni and was telling us about his 'arch riemesis' for getting dean's list.

'What's he like?'

'Er, well....he's really into kendo'


I used to think that the only good thing about the local council using people's taxes to build a skate park was that the skateboarders would all congregate in one place where normal people could ignore them.

But no, the fookers are still denting people's vehicles in the multi storey car park.

Trophy, fox and driven grouse (or whatever the catchall term for posh twots blasting hundreds of birds out of the sky is).

Deer stalking and American style wilderness hunting are Ok with me, as long as for culling and/or food.

Apologies if I'm not using the correct terminology, but generally if you are eating everything that you are killing, and not killing anything more than you need to eat, I'm cool with it.

1.  Hunt saboteurs (nasty little aunts the lot of them - if they're so concerned, why don't the volunteer to get hunted instead?)

2.  Historical re-enactment societies (Sealed Knot etc.)

3.  Cos players

4.  Swingers

5.  Skateboarders

6.  Protestors

7.  Charity collections people (not professional chuggers, although I hate them too)

8.  Jesus freaks

9.   Islamofreaks

10.  Any other kind of religious freaks

DD, then I would take pleasure in thrashing you about the face with a riding crop.


And I don't even ride.


I don't agree with hunting on horses (especially now you're not actually allowed to hunt any more, but are just following trails, which is a little ghey), but to be opposed to hunting in general is just mindless.  How is it any different to animals getting killed in slaughterhouses every day?

I once a hunt sab for a while. 

As hobbies go that was the most fun one I have ever had. 

Just seeing the angry ragey aunts on horses losing their shit when you ruin their disgusting killing is just wonderful. 


M6 of mine is into competitive axe throwing.  It's like psycho darts.  Then again the same bloke is also keen to go helicopter wild hog hunting in Texas where, yes, you've guessed it, you shoot at wild pigs from a helicopter with an assault rifle.  He's from the Deep South and ex-US special forces so he's probably not that mad in context.  

ANNA is in troll modus?  You clearly lack self awareness. 


FAOD I have never killed a fox, just things to eat.  Rabbits, pigeons, pheasant, divers wildfowl, the occasional deer and some duck.  Although I don't like shooting duck (call me sentimental).

I'm with DD on this.

Skateboarding is an Olympic sport and is in no way different to skiing, surfing, ice skating or snowboarding.

And yes, Violent hunt saboteurs should be celebrated with honours and anyone who hunts with hounds should have boiling oil pumped up their rectums.

choirs, mark of the fooking twot.

People who cycle and spend more than £2k on their bike.

People who talk about sailing - if you have more sailing discussions than sailing trips, you're boring khunt.

re-enactments, big time weirdo.

collecting things that have no value (I don't mean cost, I mean beatles memorabilia - fine, but if you collect DVD cardboard slip cases, or commemorative plates/figurines that have no or an artificial scarcity, fooking moron).

Proper stunt skate boarding on a big half pipe takes some skill and balls.  However, most skateboarders seem to stand next to obstacles chatting to their mates before trying a tiny trick and falling off again.

Buzz, shooting hogs with an assault rifle sounds a bit ghey. Surely they could fit the chopper with Hellfire missiles, rocket launchers, etc.?  That way they wouldn't need to cook the hog afterwards either.

Hog hunting by AH64 Apache.  It's the future of sport. 

lol Buzz's mate sounds awesome.

The worst thing about skateboarding is all the ex-pros just work in bars and stuff because they don't make much money. Except Tony Hawk

Tony Hawk was skating last week and some kids asked him if he was Tony hawk, he said he was - and they looked at him and decided he was too old so told him he wasn't.


Look on my pop shovit, ye-mighty and despair.

Anyone who thinks that athleticism, creativity and determination are not required for skateboarding either don't know what those three qualities are or doesn't know anything about skateboarding.

Your opinions are therefore invalid.

I'm not sure there would be much left of the hog if you twotted it with a hellfire and finished it off with a burst from a 30mm chain gun. The bloke's dad was a Thunderbirds display pilot so maybe being a loon is genetic. 

Anyone who thinks that athleticism, creativity and determination are not required for skateboarding either don't know what those three qualities are or doesn't know anything about skateboarding.


I'm just annoyed that no-one drilled down into my first list (repeated for ease of reference):

  • choirs, mark of the fooking twot.
  • People who cycle and spend more than £2k on their bike.
  • People who talk about sailing - if you have more sailing discussions than sailing trips, you're boring khunt.
  • re-enactments, big time weirdo.
  • collecting things that have no value (I don't mean cost, I mean beatles memorabilia - fine, but if you collect DVD cardboard slip cases, or commemorative plates/figurines that have no or an artificial scarcity, fooking moron).

Creativity and determination are what will be required for a fooking burn-boy skateboarding hippy loser to land a credible job after a CV gap of 20 years, not characteristics required to skateboard.