Sensible Tory MPs

A diminishing number but how do they live with themselves supporting a wilfully  destructive government created by a far right coup and fronted by a charlatan?  Every Tory MP that does not resign the whip and vote this government down will bear responsibility for the chaos to come.  Shame on them.

There’s an irony in you suggesting people wanting change in an organisation should leave that organisation rather than try to quietly make sensible, more moderate changes from within.

Just can’t quite figure out what that irony may be...


The "sensible" contingent in the Tory party brought this on themselves by repeatedly allowing the selection of absolute tinfoil hat wearing freaks as MPs, over two electoral cycles at least. I think it all goes back to when they got buttwhooped by Blair and they thought oops, we're not the natural party of government any more, so I guess we can let the sillies indulge themselves.

Labour is about five years behind but is assuredly going the same way.

Can someone explain:

(a) who in their right mind on the selection committee thought Mark Francois was an impressive candidate to be a Tory MP?

(b) whether leave or remain how can anyone vote for him?

It is a far right coup.  There is no mandate for no deal brexit, most people oppose it and most MPs oppose it, but the nutjobs are attempting to use our broken constitution and the useful puppet Johnson who will say or do anything if it gets him the top job to ram it through. 

Brexit isn't a left right issue

Yes it is, certainly within the tory party.  


I don't give a fvck what cabinet members voted in the referendum, if they are now prepared to allow a no deal brexit they are now destructive extremists

Literally the only centrist position on Brexit is: we will revoke Article 50 tomorrow; a purge will immediately commence, of all brexit supporters from public and civic life; and we shall never speak of any of this again.

The corollary of all this of course is that if - as promised by some - a hard Brexit turns out to be marvellous, we will know who to thank, cf Danny Finkelstein in the times this morning.


(Agreed re Mark Francois.  The fact that this whole thing has brought to my attention that he was put forward as a parliamentary candidate by the Conservatives means that it is very unlikely that I will ever be able to vote Tory again.  Even as a remainder, there are Brexiteers and even hard Brexiteers who I can respect even while disagreeing with them.  Francois is not one of them.)

espousing a nationalist ideology at the expense of all other policy considerations is close to the definition of far right - that is exactly what a no deal brexit is and does.  And that is before we even get to the real motives of the puppet masters - a low welfare low tax offshore hellhole.

Can you name a hard Brexiter you respect? Seriously?

I can’t think of one that I wouldn’t be glad to see towed out to sea aboard a rusting freighter hulk populated by zombie rats.

And of course it is also a right Wing versus conservative moderates/left leaning thing

afd in Germany want to pander to brexiters. They also want to do away with wind turbines (ie deconstruction of all of them) as they are climate change deniers

The only problem with the Blair strategy on immigration is we didn't quite let enough immigrants in fast enough to ensure they would forever outvote the Anglogammons. This is why the Dems in the US need to do an amnesty/mass naturalisation for illegals as soon as they get the chance.

time we just had open borders, nations are only a mental construct why the fvck do we think we have the right to tell people where they can and cant live?  Most people choose not to move most of the time and that would continue.

nearly-stoned Sixth Form students debating in their dorm after lights out. 

what manner of sixth former lives in a "dorm" with "lights out"?  What a weird upbringing you had.

There aren't any sensible Tory MPs. At this point if you are still in the Tory party you are supporting no deal, and therefore cannot be considered sensible unless and until you prove otherwise.