You generally don't spend billions of pounds, suspend laws and stockpile essential goods and meds to...

... mitigate the impact of *good* ideas.


-James O'Brien.



it's a fooking nightmare, jelly

someone needs to stop these total utter aunts

at least previous geenrations of aunt had a grand vision

they are just smashing everything up to make themselves feel less bad about being shit

The UK will be in even more of a state if all the sensible people "just leave", LA.

Also... not that simple for people with families and ties and responsibilities. Not that you would know anything about that, of course.

I like it the way it is.  Why don't those who don't like it move to some cocking sunny uplands with 30-50 feral hogs, big guns to offset small willies, no regulations, no workers rights, no food safety regulations, no race discrimination (because there'd only be one race) and, within a generation or two, likely no fooking thumbs.  Get the fook out to Gilead.

I got so angry watching Vice, being reminded of how Dick Cheney almost single-handedly fooked the entire planet and created ISIS. I WILL NOT LET THIS HAPPEN WITH THE UK.

Although at least we are too shit to create ISIS.

Strange that such measures are being taken when bojo stated that there is a one in a million chance of no deal. I guess that is what he meant with „creative ambiguity“

so clever

Why do leavers always say "you can leave it you don't like it?"


I DID like it. You didn't. You should have left. 

I suppose their difficulty with that is they take themselves with them wherever they could go. 

Job losses, worse quality food, ruthless capitalism and sneaky anti consumer practices.

Have you ever tried comparing prices in US supermarkets they do “calories per serving” and then on the same pack  “non-natural (ex corn)sugars per eighth bushel” to confuse the fook out of you and so you can’t compare between products. Stupid EU laws mean I can see price and kilojoules per 100 grams at present.

That zero hedge seeks to confirm what no-one was thinking with absolutely no evidence.


REASON 8 - Both the EU and the UK will suffer in the event of no deal but the long-terms consequences strongly favor (sic.) the UK.

Why? How, what the actual fook.  Do people actually read that and decide "phew, we're fine!"

Heh. I know Zerohedge writes a lot of nonsense and publishes some seriously frothing weirdos, but also has some genuinely alternative viewpoints that you won't see in the NYT/Guardian/Telegraph et al

I cling to the fact that Johnson is only driven by his own interests/ambition, not ideology or national interest, and must know any popularity he has will sink like a stone in the chaotic aftermath of a no brexit, especially one forced through with no democratic mandate and against the wishes of parliament.   I think he will be looking for a way out of the corner he is boxed himself into - which will either be another referendum (although I doubt the nutjobs in his party would allow that as it would "undemocratic" to ask the people) or, far  more likely, an election on an explicitly no deal platform which he may calculate he can win if the brexit party is neutralised but the remain parties split.

I have seen better arguments for Brexit, but none stand up to scrutiny. And when I see something that comes close to "feeling" plausible, I run it by a mate (who is a semi-famous economist) - he is scathing (and he's not a frothing remainer - he just hates people using economics to give the veneer or truth to utter nonsense)

The stupidity of the article writer.


Reason 1 - cites EU's dislike of Ireland's (a member, ladies and gentlemen, of the EU) incredibly lax corporate tax policy as being an argument in favour of leaving the EU to do the same.

Reason 2 - tanking GBP. This has been great for our exporters so far hasn't it Tyler. Positively booming with exports we are.

Reason 3 - tariff war with the EU. Magnificent. Genius. I thought we were doing zero tariffs with everyone though? Sounds like food will be getting awfully expensive. But ze Germans vill suffer.

Reason 4 - fishing rights. FFS. Who actually cares about these. We barely eat any fish. Good luck exporting it with those massive tariffs we are apparently sticking on everything else.

Guy that doesn't make any sense. Johnson calls a GE and campaigns on a no deal ticket and wins - how does this get him out of the problem? The problem is as you say the aftermath of a no deal is shit and he will get the blame 

Reason 5 - trade deals. And apparently we can set whatever tariffs we like. Apart from the ones we are massively increasing to fook BMW in the aras.

Reason 6 - freedom from rules and regulations. Yes. We will be so free. Soooo free. Get rid of those pesky EU rules on kippers for start.

Reason 7 - no Brexit fee. Oh I think you may find there is a cost.

Reason 8 - long term consequences favour UK. He literally cannot be bothered even trying to substantiate this.


Conclusion. This was written by an imbecile. Probably 3dux.



Brexit has, so far, cost us SIXTY SIX BILLION POUNDS.  That's so far, not a future projection.


I saw a great idea on twitter - we should have created brexit bonds.

Sold them to ardent brexiters to manage the cost of brexit.  And if Brexit resulted in a GDP increase then they got the entirety of the upside and their bonds covered the downside.