There is something so massively

That's no bad thing, Bernstein.  Mad girls quite often copulate like ferrets and invariably love alan.  Just don't give her your address, email or phone number.

Having recently returned to this place I am disturbed to see your a lot of your posts Badders have become so distasteful and extreme - they read very misogynistically 

He’s been going through a period of sexual enlightenment (I.e. actually getting good regular sex).  I’m sure in a few decades when the novelty has worn off he’ll get back to how he was.

no fillers there, Judo. That's just a young plump face with the natural scaffolding still intact and naturally wonky (chin as well). She's beautiful and admit, you've been aspiring to her lifestyle for years

Miss T, I will, in future, highlight the bits of my postings which are intended to be facetious or parodic, just so that people don't get the wrong end of the stick.  Is that ok with you? 

How old is her bloke?? 

mind you better an old mans darling than a young mans skivvy as my nan (that’s my maternal grandmother for the benefit of the posh is) used to say 

He is 60, it’s an interesting match but I am definitely not one to criticise age differences.  I hope they make one another very happy.

She seems a beautiful girl who is living what many would consider to be an enviable lifestyle.

But aren’t you always going on about how broke you are and how you want to meet a billionaire to take care of you?

It just feels all a bit familiar except she is in her 20s, a model and the niece of Princess Diana and you’re not...

I hope that doesn’t come across as a criticism, it’s not intended to be, I just think that attacking her for her lifestyle is a bit off given it’s not far from your own aspirations.