I love Judy Carter...

...she is so posh. I bet she has a deliciously languid way about her and one of those voices you want to hear coming from somewhere near your upper thighs.

I would say in terms of posh attractive voiced roffettes (and those who identify as the same) it is a three way toss up between tusco, judo and cruella.

that is called a dolly ball, u may jason roy it with your own punchlines

In my memory Tuscan speaks like the madam in Harlots (this is a compliment faod). Maybe that was her version of Wills's estuary ofc.

Agree re loving Judy carter. 

I reckon Judo's not from the North West at all, you know.


I reckon she's just saying that to spare her the humiliation of having to admit to being a monkey hanger.

Twelve,I have one of those Scottish accents that makes you forever sound like a child everyone finds a bit annoying. Think Kelly McDonald without the self assurance. It's annoying I should work on it.

Badders you make it sound like not being posh is a bad thing rather than an awesome thing.

Ah, I was thinking of Amy MacDonald, Clergs.  Oops. 


Jesus, Kelly is the same age as me.  Time has obviously been kinder to her than me.


Tecco - that's not at all bad.  Have you ever heard "Virtute et Industrial" by the Wurzels?  It's like a "how to" of doing a Brizzle accent.