Air rage international lawyer suicide
ObstreperousDogey 04 Jul 19 07:01
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Sad. While it was a bad mistake to make, it’s still a pity that the internet can make a mistake like this career and life ending.


It’s not a single mistake. She’d a history of some pretty nasty racist internet postings. Describing people who abhor racism as internet trolls as one story I read did isn’t entirely helpful. 

But im not sure it’s the internet that’s to blame. She was clearly not a well person. 

It is hard to see what alternative she had. Presumably she couldn't work again, either literally or in terms of attracting clients. Probably lost loads of friends. Not a very supportive family setup. What else was left.

Can't believe the internet was more than a horrible icing on the cake.

Marshall Hall04 Jul 19 07:52


But if the alleged trolling was causing her grief, surely the answer would be to make all your social media accounts private (or delete them)?


given the prevelance of social media and how people use it, I don't think this is really an option, it's like saying "if you're getting bags of flaming shit pushed through your letter box then consider bricking up your door"



She specifically said she wasn't paid for her work.

I think "lawyer" is a fairly generic term for her stuff...

I don't know how she lived but I don't think she had a practice.... given her views, I suspect most of her friends are likely to share them.  She had a very obvious public profile already for her friends.


Friends Reunited was switched off at least five years ago. Or divorce central as it was known.

Anyway, nothing to do with social media. The woman was clearly deranged.