Anyone looking forward /not forward to the Tennis fortnight starting on Monday?

Wellers, I am not sure that is true to be honest . Milions watch on TV in the UK, and hundreds of millions worldwide. Then there are the 40,000 spectators who visit it everyday- most don't live in SW19

Well no one is forcing you! Well, I guess the Beeb are a bit...

I quite enjoyed the snooker this year. I felt sad for that Chinese kid who won literally no frames whatsoever.

I love watching hockey.

Yes Ebit have a contact who takes me to the Hurlingham every year. Watched Auger-Allassime and Kevin Anderson which was good but a bit of a competition to see who serve hardest.

I’d have thought as a professional sports journalist you would have clocked that there was.

What is the guardian paying you for?  

I mean, you did become a professional sports journalist with a regular column in the guardian by the end of 2018 like you said you would didn’t you?

I live a few stops on the train from Wimbledon, but in thirty years of living here I have never been to it.

It puzzles some of my American and Aussie friends who are into tennis and would love to go, but the whole thing has no real appeal.

Spectator sports are popular with people who don't currently play sport (not much in that sport at the time anyway)

Tennis is different because you can participate in it until a relatively mature age, and indeed a lot of people play it more in later life

This might go some way to explain the perception that tennis is popular with people who don't like sport 

Tricky it kinda does grind to a halt. Roads diverted or closed . People and bars ten deep taking half hour to get served . No seats to be had in eataries of any description, then you have to be out in an hour. Takeaways 2 hour wait minimum . Buses tubes and teams rammed all day and night, and the traffic doesn’t move anywhere, for the whole of the day.

I like tennis but don't really play because I'm crap.

I've never understood the appeal of watching golf let alone playing it.

We need more televised sailing so I can enjoy that.

Golf is different from tennis because tennis is exercise whereas golf is a walk in a park (you never get breathless and need a little pause before you start another point - a 'shot' in golf).

Golf is also different as there's so much time to talk about different things as you walk about. You can talk about whatever, but you often talk about other sports since you are playing sport, and are likely to have golf partners and friends who are like minded.


Ebit it depends how they do coverage.  If Sky sold a sailing package in France and the UK then they'd make a fortune in France which would cover the low take up here.

Guy they're getting better as they've made the boats much faster and sorted the graphics so it's easy to see the differences between teams in terms of distance to the finish, etc.  The current Sail GP stuff looks exciting but can only find stuff about it on their web site.

It's an enjoyable day out if the weather is good, pretty rank if it's cold or wet.

Prefer watching on Court 1 to Centre.

They charge very high process for the food and drink, but it's all done quite stylishly so that you somehow don't begrudge too much paying for it.

I play loads of sport, and I also watch loads of sport. So that's that theory out of the window. I don't watch tennis because it's dull. Generally I prefer team sports, to play and to watch.

One thing that certainly is true, is it's hard to explain why nobody cares about professional tennis doubles.

I think it's because the singles is perceived to be the ultimate battle, and that ultimately tennis is not a team sport, however ultimately it really is a very good team sport.

He's very much not alone in this effort, but perhaps Andy Murray can use his fame (and his relationship with his brother) to improve the reputation of doubles. It's going to take a lot more than that of course, not least as I don't see how you can ever change the career path that first you try to make it as a singles player, and only second do you play doubles...

I hope he wins the doubles. I hope he competes in the men's and mixed. 

He's not a complete charlatan in this because he did lead the effort to win the Davis Cup. That's another tournament sinking in the modern world. Maybe he'll try win the Hopman Cup sometime.

Personally he's become rather over feted as a star, as evidenced by his multiple SPOTY crowns, when someone like Chris Froome can't seem to win just one. To all his UK critics I would say embrace him, because internationally it looks bad on us as a nation that we don't champion him when he's had so much success. Naturally internationally he'll be seen as 'lucky' to ever have been World #1 in this crazy era of other people's greatness, but we should know that he wasn't lucky at all. He worked incredibly hard to get it, and it was very much deserved. In fact he only lost it because the injuries became too much.