What's the most ordinary thing you've never done?

I have never driven a car.

(Someone on the tweets has never eaten a raw apple so I don't feel so bad)

some of you lot are well strange

although I have never bought a house (or a flat) either. not for any particular reason, it just worked out that way. that and that living in other people’s houses is much cheaper...

Ooh I’ve done the bookies thing. Although it was a pre trial view thing for an armed robbery I was dealing with. Pretty depressing place as I recall. Ditto a bingo hall on an industrial estate I also visited. 

Thank you for the clarification buzz, but entirely unnecessary as we see you most years in a picture in the daily mail at the grand national in your fake tan, vertiginous heels and fascinator

  • Owned a dog
  • Been to Belgium
  • Tried bungee jumping
  • Done a parachute jump (not even for charity)
  • Watched Love Island, TOWIE or Hollyoaks
  • Been single for more than a year since the age of 2o

I realise that the bungee jump and parachute things may be more exotic, but plenty of people have done them either for charity or whilst on holiday, so I though they were worth including for posteriorerity.

I still pick my 12 year old up and give him a smoosh occasionally as I am haunted by reading some time ago that once upon a time your mother picked you up for a cuddle, put you down and never picked you up again. 

he is five foot one so it's getting challenging. 

Badders, my dad did it, then my brother did it when dad died, and boykl is a gardener, so when we had a lawn he did it.

Plus, I'm allergic to grasses and pollens, so I can't be around when lawns are being done.

You needn't bother with either.  Harry Potter is good, mindless entertainment.  LOTR is better left to the imagination (and they could have dealt with it in two films, although it's not as much of a con as The Hobbit trilogy and at least they cut out the whole section with that hippy aunt Tom Bombadil).

Oh, fook it:


Judo, as someone who constantly bemoans her relationship status, I'd imagine you've "done it yourself" until you've worn your bean down till it's concave!


Phew - and breath.   Thought my head was going to explode for a sec there.