Georgia - not somewhere you want to be a woman

If you have a miscarriage they may interrogate you as to "what you did" to cause this, and the answer could get you locked up for 30 years 


the handmaidens tale clearly interpreted as an instruction manual by some  


have you seen the one about forcing doctors to remove ectopic pregnacies and implant them in the uterus?

the insane part is, I think most Americans are appalled. And yet it is still shunting ahead.

Does it? I've had 2 miscarriages I wasn't interviewed to explain what I did to cause them 

also it is now illegal to have any kind of termination after a "heart beat" is detectable so I don't think so 

On the one hand it's such a frequent event that launching a criminal investigation on the basis of barely a suspicion seems insane. On the other they've identified a specific, routine, use of the ulcer drug which has given rise to a general suspicion. And yet of course there would be no need to use it if Americans in the deep south weren't such a bunch of fanatically religious lunatics. 

Georgia is not on my list of places to go.


my parents went. apparently they'd never seen / heard racism like it.  absolutely blow you mind away. but completely casual and normal. 


I think they may all be a bit odd.


Even pretty normal Americans are scarily religious and I refer you to my previous comments about American sports teams all praying together before games and before and after training.

"The primary purpose of HB 481 is to prohibit doctors from terminating any pregnancy after they can detect “embryonic or fetal cardiac activity,” which typically occurs at six weeks’ gestation." 

Doesn't this, practically speaking, make almost all abortions illegal?

Week 1 of pregnancy is the week of your last period. Most women will not even get a positive pregnancy test until they are four weeks pregnant, medically speaking.

I have never never had a problem there. People were friendly, happy to buy you a beer and chat about sports. They are not anti-foreigners.

Admittedly I have never had a miscarriage there (a biological impossibility), but they are what they are.

I think it was Georgia where they had a three strikes & you're out rule.  It's illegal to give someone a bloz in Georgia (tho not to receive one of course) so you could technically get banged up for life for three noshes.

Been through Georgia a few times for work related reasons and  friend of mine has just moved there. In Atlanta I found the level of black homelessness pretty depressing, particularly in the civil rights historic area. It is proper god fearing, bible bashing country where you see billboards promoting creationism so these laws don't really surprise me. There is a worrying trend in the south of trying to make abortion all but impossible. I recall one state requiring abortion clinics to maintain the same surgical equipment and manning that an ER ward would have even if there was a hospital nearby that emergencies could be taken to.

Racism wise I didn't think it was quite as bad as Alabama next door where the levels of casual racism are astonishing and virtually everyone in a restaurant service position is black (unless you are in a Mexican restaurant).

I thought Savannah was pretty, but it's not enough of a reason to spend more than a weekend in the state.

ps back on track I went to Atlanta once and I didn;t see many other white people at all and it blows my mind that they are still able to dominate racistly

this just goes to show the power of wealth inequality. Black people should be able to say fook right off with that.

And so should the sane majority re healthcare

It will surely be struck down?  Even this Supreme Court is surely not going to outright reverse Roe v Wade.

My guess is the GOP wants it struck down so they can make abortion a key issue in the next presidential election. 

As an aside there aren't actually all that many material things in this world I covet but one of those perfect little town houses off Old Church street is one of them... 

Presumably Linda even if you lived there you wouldn't be married to/shagging the sort of absolute thunderkhunt who thinks this is acceptable so I am not sure how much good a sex strike would do...

I am not at all trying to belittle how awful and antediluvian this piece of legislation is btw. Stopping it is a cause that is really worth fighting for. I really hope people in Georgia and beyond have the guts to stand up and fight it. 

When I first heard about this law I assumed it was the other Georgia.  It effectively renders abortion illegal.  For those that don't know, pregnancy is dated from your last period, so for the first two weeks of those six, sperm hasn't event met egg, and for 4-5 of those 6, most women won't know they are pregnant even if they have regular cycles and track them closely.  The heartbeat usually starts at 5 weeks and a few days, so women will have very little time to make their decision, get an appointment and have the abortion.  And as for the miscarriage stuff, I am speechless.  It's frankly traumatic enough to have bits of a pregnancy falling out of your hoo-ha without some nutjob questioning you about it.

"Before you get cross"

you know that's a film in which someone was infamously anally raped - which is a crime - and this is an actual law?

i mean if it had become compulsory that men undergo anal penetration to get a fishing permit you'd have a point 


I'm sure no need to remind this group but the law on abortion in GB is not so unrestricted as many think. It's just not enforced.

One needs good reason under physical or mental health grounds.