Trump trial

Apparently it’s fine for the judge to have donated to the Biden/harris campaign in 2020. Bizarre. 

It might be to a millennial waster like you who has no civic values but to anyone interested in democracy and the enlightenment it’s the greatest challenge since WW2. 

wow and wait until you hear who appointed the judge in his florida case, it would make you wonder who she donated to.

If Judge Cannon was a competent judge, I'd have had no problem with it.  She's not competent.

Merchan is a very competent Judge, decades of experience and never any problems.

if trump can't stand because of this or other legal cases, who will the y choose and how? I guess no one knows the gop rule book well enough to answer. does it even allow for this scenario?  maybe they just use the same mechanism they must have in case the candidate falls off his perch



‘It might be to a millennial waster like you who has no civic values’

I know you are obsessed with millennials but I’m not sure you can accuse risky of being one 

Dalek 17 Apr 24 05:35

Apparently it’s fine for the judge to have donated to the Biden/harris campaign in 2020. Bizarre. 


Not long after Mr Trump was arraigned, it emerged that Justice Merchan had donated $35 to the Democrats in 2020, including $15 to Joe Biden.

seems tivial, but might have been better to step back given the conservative victim mentality that permeates everything they do these days

This judge might be fine banana, but he clearly shouldn’t be presiding in this case


Because of his political affiliation?  2/3rds of the supreme court are Republicans, should they be recused from Trump cases?

It might come as a shock to you but most Judges in USA are either appointed by a political party or they stand for election to be judges with the backing of a political party.  Defendants don't get to choose which party the judge belongs to.  

Merchan also raised the question with the ethics committee to see if he had any conflicts that would mean he should recuse himself.  

DA, ethics panel back judge in Donald Trump hush-money case, finding no evidence of bias | AP News

There’s a difference between appointment processes and pro actively giving money to the direct opponent of the defendant. Its amazing how warped some peoples’ views are on here of what is clearly wrong because of their partisan interests 

I get up as late as I can get away with and am much more successful in life than risky,

Kids off to school shortly and I’m going back to bed

"Tom, I get up early, like most people who are successful in life"

You work for your mum and she bought you a 3 bed semi in an offshore jurisdiction with a weird outdoor bathtub thing 


"I get up as late as I can get away with and am much more successful in life than risky,

Kids off to school shortly and I’m going back to bed"

Rare agree with laz. When I was a broke ass scally I worked very hard. Now I have people to do that, I tend to have lay ins, enjoy time with my kids, take more exercise. 

It's a privilege but not one I was born with and not one I will forget 

Sorry to hear about your old girl Risky 

But at least you got to inherit all her lovely money so you didn't have to achieve anything yourself. That was lucky 


Fox, Newsmax and OAN are doing their best to identify the jurors so that they can unleash the lunatic minions.  Or at the very least spend months saying it was a lefty jury that rigged the outcome.  

America really needs to get its act together and tackle the gaslighting.

Merchan will have no choice but to impose a custodial sentence.  It's the right thing to do, even if Trump will spend the next few months fundraising and campaigning on it.

Worth observing that he wants to be banged up for contempt of the ‘gag’ order, as he will look better in a cell than in court. Marginally. But right now he’ll take anything. 

given how hard Trump has worked to denigrate the role of the US justice system, to make life more dangerous for its jurists, and to stack it with biased frauds desperate to make incorrect and damaging politicised decisions that destroy real people’s lives, I am tug fvcking light as to whether it might show some bias against him. Actually, I hope it does.

He’s gone after jurors already. He’s a mobster, ofc, and this trial is just the start of it. When the dust settles it will be interesting to compare the attitudes of those outside the US who consider themselves liberals as broadly defined, becuase it’s already clear on here that people in the desert are markedly more blasé about the threat presented by Trump, Kushner and their associated ‘criminals of the world’  than those of us whose livelihoods are not dependent on oil money and minding our ps and qs so as not to offend the mullahs, 

get your calendars out. it's a packed week of Trump legal news.

Today: In a separate (separate to the hush money corruption trial) Manhattan courthouse, there’s a hearing scheduled in Trump’s New York civil fraud case to litigate whether the $175 million bond he put up is legitimate or not. … 

Wednesday: In the classified documents case in Florida, the grand jury testimony of Trump aide WALT NAUTA, who was indicted for obstruction of justice, will be publicly released. … 

Thursday: And in the biggest event of the week, the Supreme Court will hear arguments on Trump’s claims of presidential immunity from prosecution. How and when that case is decided will determine whether Trump faces any federal criminal trials this year.

He is simply trying to clog up the US legal system with appeals and delays. The more cases the better, it gives him more to work with.

Then in late summer he'll demand they all be dropped or paused because he"s running for president.

In the unlikely event he wins, he'll quash them all.

If he loses then he's royally screwed. Last chance saloon.

Chambers, if he wins, there's very little he can do about this one.  It's a state prosecution.  

He was (as president) able to get Barr to put pressure on SDNY to back off on their investigation but now, it's far too late.  Trial goes ahead today and it would take a minor miracle to delay it now.  Presidential Immunity has no bearing on this whatsoever either, the crime was committed before entering office, even if the final payments were made whilst in office.

He's going with "advice of counsel" defence too.... this will fall flat.

Chambers22 Apr 24 12:48

He somehow thinks he should have lifetime immunity from everything Eddie. Past, present and future.

A deranged individual.


considering what Scylla says about his shenanigans he probably needs lifetime immunity 

He definitely needs it, Sumo. 

Whether he or not he gets it is the question… 

Trump crimes so much he doesn’t even realise he is doing it.. it’s a normal as farting and brewing in his own stench for him.

It’s only everyone else who smells it. 


He's going with "advice of counsel" defence too.... this will fall flat.


I thought if he was going with that he had to announce it a lot sooner.

As that defence waives all legal privilege in the advice of that counsel.. so it has to be disclosed prior to the trial along with all related attorney records? 

Or is my understand of that defence wrong?…

The advice of counsel defense is based on the common sense principle that a defendant should not be held liable for actions taken based on reasonable reliance on the advice of counsel. Such reliance negates wrongful intent. The defense contains four elements: (1) The defendant made a complete disclosure to counsel concerning the matter at issue, (2) the defendant sought advice as to the legality of his conduct, (3) the defendant received advice that his conduct was legal, and (4) the defendant relied on that advice in good faith.3 A defendant who asserts the defense must, of course, waive the attorney-client privilege, which is why defendants often prefer to allude to the involvement of lawyers without formally asserting the defense. Even those defendants who earnestly want to assert the defense face a difficult hurdle of showing that they made a complete disclosure to counsel concerning the matter at issue.


In the election fraud case, although the issue has not yet been the subject of motion practice, challenges to asserting the defense, and the risks of asserting it, are particularly significant. One fundamental challenge is the former president’s public statements that deny any attorney-client relationship with anyone deemed unloyal by him, as occurred most recently with Trump’s statements about Sidney Powell.14  Another is that several of the attorneys have themselves pleaded guilty.  Even if the defense could be asserted, any waiver would likely unearth a flood of cautionary communications from other attorneys with whom the former president also consulted, and a defendant cannot pick and choose favorable advice in support of his defense when that advice comes from multiple sources and is a mixed bag.15


… I will properly LMAO is the full disclosure of Trumps discussion with Cohen includes a blow by blow account of the events in question. 


Also the defence appears to waive privilege not just in that particular counsels advice … but all counsels advice received on that issue. 

Interesting.  Wonder if Trump asked anyone legal at the RNC or Rudy about it.. 

He doesn't really care about the law, or GAAP or any sound business principles.

He's a populist rabble rouser amongst the uneducated combined with a mafia style boss who can act as he wants.

And they want him to be president?

Chambers22 Apr 24 14:29

He's a populist rabble rouser amongst the uneducated combined with a mafia style boss who can act as he wants.

And they want him to be president?


yes, because in the US, like in the UK north of Watford and outside the big cities a lot of people are living hand to mouth with very little security or feeling like anyone listens to them

the Appalachia rust belt used to be heavy democrat but was taken for granted and left to rot

the same is true for example of Scotland - which was taken for granted by labour and flipped almost wholesale SNP

the same is true for the current UK government, obsessed with internal vanity projects and imagined culture war issues instead of making life better for people

you govern for a small segment then you create groups who go looking for a voice elsewhere 

And the other difference of course is that in the US there is plenty of actual money to be made, whereas in the UK most people’s best hope of wealth is stealing it from the government. Good luck with that for the next decade. 

Incredibly the thrust of his defence seems to be that 

  1. He had no idea what Michael Cohen was up to and
  2. "Influencing" elections in this way is fine because that is democracy

Incredibly the thrust of his defence seems to be that 

  1. He had no idea what Michael Cohen was up to and
  2. "Influencing" elections in this way is fine because that is democracy

he also claims that the trial is an attempt to influence the 2024 election and that is BAD 

To be fair, I indicated it was a question. And having now gone back and looked at the earlier threads, there was clear frothing about the bond effectively being struck out altogether, which clearly hasn’t happened. 


The ‘frothing’ was about whether Trump had provided adequate security for the bond.

The court clearly found that he had not.. hence the new conditions. 

If he had not agreed these new conditions the bond would have been thrown out.

Let’s just wait and see if he can actually come up with the $$. 


That jury is going to be something else.  There's bound to be at least one of them who kept quiet on social media and the like who then appears for the deliberation in a MAGA cap and son on.