Civil War
Asturias Es Mi… 11 Apr 24 21:53
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V good and the kind of cinema experience that makes you wished you had gone into film production 


Was very surprised that this is being shown at the Curzon in Soho--didn't think it was "artsy" enough. Maybe I'm wrong about the kind of movie it is ...

Ah. That went over my head what with the Ironman and captain America references (not familiar with either).

Probably everyone knows this already but Kirsten Dunst and Jesse Plemons married. 

Jesse Plemons is so ace.

Back to the Civil War movie, I am now sold, having read more about it. (I really thought it was a brainless blockbuster like Independence Day or something.) Is it one of those movies that should be seen on IMAX?

Going to see it this Sunday, cannot wait. Love the whole dystopian future genre. 

Also, parents who are in danger of being dragged to that awful kong godzilla film, take headphones- I had a headache within the first five mins.

WOW. So glad I saw this. The ad campaign really missold this. (And looking at the comments on the imdb site, the lowest scores / most negative comments are from those expecting some action blockbuster, most of whom seem to have missed that keeping the audience in the dark as to the whys and wherefores and cause of the conflict, so they cannot identify with one side over another, is THE FVCKING POINT.)

Kirsten Dunst is fantastic.

Woo hoo PP, I have persuaded teenagers to come watch it ( for me, not them) again in the next week.

I saw one reviewer pull out a point I had not considered before . How , amongst all the other points the film makes, the mix of music and (wildly) different film styles throughout the film really really helps frame  how you the viewer enjoying a movie about some absolutely horrible horrible things, things that  (it reminds the viewer) you should not be so desensitised about. 

ie it’s a kind of a head nod that says, yes this is spectacular and slick but the shoite their engaging in really really should horrify you 

I hope that makes sense to anyone who has seen it, if you have not seen it yet then it definitely won’t make sense and I’m ok with that


I may need to rewatch it but I finally got around to seeing it last night and I was disappointed. Dunst was v good but there was too much emphasis on the character arc of the protege (going from awe inspired, naive, innocent young girl to brave, ruthless, machine-like war photographer). I don’t know…..I just wanted something deeper at the end as closure on the whole two sides tearing eachother apart plot.

Jesse Plemons was his usual chilling self.

That’s a shame you found it underwhelming Gorlami, I absolutely loved it. I thought the character arc was pretty chilling, albeit somewhat predictable (especially in light of that earlier convo she had with Kirsten Dunst- won’t say more because spoiler). 

Saying that, I’m a huge sucker for these dystopian future type movies- it doesn’t take much for me to pleased!

A post-apocalyptic society with zombies are my absolute fave so it has to be I am Legend. I’ve seen every zombie movie going. Told you I’m easily pleased!

 * twiddles fingers whilst waiting for The Last Of Us season 2 *