Happy Friday! 🇵🇸

Funny how he's really worried about Gaza but none of the places in Africa where children are dying en masse

Wonder why

Can think of a couple of reasons I suppose 

Ahhhh, damn it Honeybun. She’s got us with that killer point again. I keep forgetting that if I don’t show the same level of concern for victims of genocide then I can’t express concern for any of them. It’s all or nothing. It’s either that or you’re a raging anti-Semite if you don’t immediately self-report and have this thread taken down.

Can think of a couple of reasons I suppose 

Before this thread is taken down, please humour me and give a couple of them. Here’s hoping they’re not a yawn-fest/predictable.

I keep forgetting that if I don’t show the same level of concern for victims of genocide then I can’t express concern for any of them. It’s all or nothing.

Dangerously close to shooting yourself in the foot, given the point Tadha is making.

eeyore - not really. I very specifically cited “the same level of concern” because it’s common sense that people will have a closer connection to some events than others which will dictate their level of activism across multiple causes.  This is why Clergs’ “point” (and that’s a generous term for it) is so poor

it’s common sense that people will have a closer connection to some events than others which will dictate their level of activism across multiple causes.

Well this bit is entirely sensible and correct. But what happens as soon as everything gets polarised and tribal is that that is then caricatured to appear like the villain in Tadha's piece. It pisses me off no end, all the "if you're not with us, you're against us", all the misrepresentation in bad faith, blah blah blah.

That’s a fair point. I was exchanging messages with a friend recently and she was frustrated that some of her close friends aren’t vocal/active enough for her liking on social media. I told her about another friend of mine in London who hasn’t posted anything on social media but has attended every protest. There are lots of ways to be an activist (whatever the chosen cause) so I don’t judge others for choosing different methods and/or different causes.

Social media posting on Israel Gaza is a waste of time. And I include pro-Israeli social media in that. So are the familiar Saturday protests. Face it, you’re dealing in echo chambers. 

Most people in the US and UK don’t really care. It’s not going to affect either election. It’s not going to affect anyone’s way of life very much. Which is fine. Because as you say, you also don’t care that much about Sudan, Xinjiang, Haiti etc. 

You’re deluded Wilf. Very many people care. Look at Gorlami’s link to the Uncommitted campaign article on the other thread. 

We know you don’t care. Thankfully a lot of people aren’t like you. 

Ffs uncommitted bowlarks. Zero difference to the election except to the deluded.

And I care. But I’m guessing you’re a Muslim. And I’m a Zionist Jew. And most people aren’t. 

Anyway I have barely posted about Gaza/Israel/Palestine - because it’s a waste of time and I’d rather talk about football. 

It pretty much IS all or nothing, sorry. If you don’t feel the same level of sympathy for all victims of genocide, the. there’s something wrong with you sorry.

Wilf- it’s actually nauseating how proud you are to be a Zionist. I’m inclined to give you the benefit of the doubt and say that you don’t perhaps really understand what Zionism is and what it entails? Because if you did, I don’t think you’d be so quick to identify as one.

And your tribalist stance on the conflict is appalling, who cares if I’m Muslim or not, are you making an inference that only Muslims can be pro-Palestine? Ridiculous.

You say you care (lol) and then say you’d rather talk about football. You’re a mess.

Tribalist? Lol. 

It’s so, so tempting to engage as you clearly have no remote understanding of Zionism. 

But fek it - even arguing with intelligent people on this topic is a waste of time. 

My kids are still up, my wine glass is calling and there’s a full Premier League weekend ahead. 

"Most people in the US and UK don’t really care. It’s not going to affect either election. It’s not going to affect anyone’s way of life very much. Which is fine. Because as you say, you also don’t care that much about Sudan, Xinjiang, Haiti etc. "

Obvious bollocks. Our being seen to be so overtly complicit in crimes falling somewhere between murder and genocide (with war crimes and crimes against humanity + others in between) has an enormous implication for the relative global stability on which most people's lives depend. There was a tiny, tiny veneer of legitimacy for the invasion of Iraq. There is nothing to support our complicity in what is happening in Gaza.  

For the time being people's votes still make a difference. If they didn't then so much effort wouldn't be expended in trying to convince them otherwise.



It pretty much IS all or nothing, sorry. If you don’t feel the same level of sympathy for all victims of genocide, the. there’s something wrong with you sorry

Of course it is when it comes to feelings of sympathy. There’s something seriously wrong with anyone who feels sympathy for a victim in any genocide but not an isolated murder victim. What I meant in my first post is that - through our personal connections - some incidents of genocide may be more personal than others which may lead you to being more engaged in activism against that incident.