Words that are completely, completely unacceptable
  1. Coochie

    Not ever.


I think the common playground insults of my childhood (poofter, spacker, mong) are probably frowned upon these days.

Of the more dictionary appropriate words i’d go for maw. Especially when preceded with ‘gaping’. 

My first job involved a pay packet, on a Friday. A half size manila with a fold of notes and a few coins inside. The deductions detailed on the front handwritten into a printed template. Good times.

bullace22 Feb 24 18:41

the other four letter word for quim which starts with a c always used to be taboo but perhaps it’s been reclaimed?

Reminds me of the one, "What is hairy on the outside, but wet on the inside? Starts with a C, ends with a T and has a U and N in it?"


I heard someone use "solutioning" for the first time on Tuesday.  I'd heard rumours of this crime against language before but had persuaded myself that it was an apocryphal story. I wish I could say that maybe I misheard but the same person used it twice.

Townhall - not the edifice but the corporate top-down group announcement model. 

We’re having a town hall where the David Solomon’s is going to explain the need for rationalising the workforce and the need for some brave decisions as we pivot away from…..

Oh ok - in 2009 I just told my parents they’d announced a mass redundancy. That seems to have become a taboo word btw - does with the GFC.

Like all US corporate w**kspeak it’s stolen from an environment where its connotations are essentially benign. As in, an informal local meeting associated with the bedrock of democracy. Co-opted into a foul environment where it’s intended to have a disinfecting effect. But all it does is alienate people. The age-old one is “reaching out”, obvs. From hippy therapy, essentially.