'No deal' finally off the table

Praps this insane PM will now see the writing on the wall.

I would say no deal is more likely than not given the cabchat (they are largely completely comfortable with the phrase Direct Rule at this stage)

so still worth it imo, pp

cookie, you are getting all your views from Laura Kuennsberg tweets.


I am getting them from actual stuff that I actually do myself.


I might be wrong. Obviously nobody knows what will happen. But stop pretending you're not at home in your pants clicking refresh.

cookie, you are getting all your views from Laura Kuennsberg tweets.


I am getting them from actual stuff that I actually do myself.


I might be wrong. Obviously nobody knows what will happen. But stop pretending you're not at home in your pants clicking refresh.

So Parliament vote for Cooper's bill, TMPM and Geoffrey Cooper start making conciliatory noises about customs union while Hammond doesn't rule out a referendum and talks about long delays - and you still think No Deal is more than likely? There is a chance of everything but I'd say the chance of No Deal any time soon is close to zero.

I have a question.

To get a technical extension to 22 May, does the UK have to actually enter into the withdrawal agreement in a legally binding manner before 12th April?

If not, perhaps it should be suggested to Brexiters that one way to really piss off the EU would be to do the minimum necessary to get the technical extension to 22 May, not prepare to hold EP elections, and then revoke Article 50 on 21 May.

Rhamnousia04 Apr 19 09:37

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cookie, you are getting all your views from Laura Kuennsberg tweets.

I am getting them from actual stuff that I actually do myself.

I might be wrong. Obviously nobody knows what will happen. But stop pretending you're not at home in your pants clicking refresh.


Clergs, that wasn't a wise thing to post..

Yes Guy but I also sense the genuine exasperation and the fact that some EU states are genuinely willing to now screw us for faffing around for three years.  I've spent enough years dealing with such situations on a daily basis to be able to tell the difference between someone who's saying they'll walk away from a deal to rattle your cage and someone who's really going to do it.

To get a technical extension to 22 May, does the UK have to actually enter into the withdrawal agreement in a legally binding manner before 12th April?

To guarantee an extension to 22 May we had to pass the Withdrawal Agreement by 29 March.

Any further extension beyond 12 April is wholly at the discretion of the 27 so, no, we can't obviously take the piss. 

“A 'no-deal' at midnight on the 12 April is now a very likely scenario. It is not the outcome I want. But it is an outcome for which I have made sure the EU is ready.” President Jean-Claude Juncker addresses the European Parliament on latest Brexit developments.


EU Commission live on FB

 "I've spent enough years dealing with such situations on a daily basis to be able to tell the difference between someone who's saying they'll walk away from a deal to rattle your cage and someone who's really going to do it"

Heh, I don't think conveyancing negotiations are comparable to brexit tbh.

Clergs I'm comfortable that whatever little insights into the wide and wacky world of Parliament you're convinced you have, I'm as well placed to draw my own conclusions based on my own sources and experience and that you should tbh just do one.

I don't know Guy.  I've dealt with negotiations over £100m before and they quite intense.  At the end of the day the psychology of negotiating is the same if it's £10 or £10bn.

Whoa, whoa, whoa:

Hold up. Wait a minute. Slow down.

Let's get this clear: Are you saying that the Sainted Laura  K might be WRONG?

Don't see it myself. Think she's great. I'm relying on her and Dan Hodges to see me through this.

What actual stuff do you actually do, Clergs, as alluded to? 

Saillaw, I don't think Brexit can really be compared to a transaction where the consequences of not doing a deal are that each party walks away and remains in the same position it was in before.

I do my own analysis, shooters


dogwarden made it sound as though I am confessing to being Robbie Gibbs's PA or something faod I am not


wish I were tbh that would be amazing

Is this a thread where Cockie makes something up that he wants to be true and ubertards, Guy and Ray run round like excited children who think they found a sweet in Mums bad, but it's just their own shit in a bag? 


It has always been a problem that those most likely to consider themselves unionist are also most likely to be Brexiteers.  Unfortunately for them, given the wishes of the people of Scotland and Northern Ireland and the border issues in the island of Ireland, a proper Brexit was always likely to break up the union in the medium term.  They dealt with this problem by ignoring it.  Stupid khunts.