What are the receptionists like at your GP surgery?

EBITDA: Can you please post some content in your sodding threads.  Just sticking in a title and then ignoring it in the vain hope of a pity perfect tun is getting annoying.

I have given up going to GPs as you need to dial some number between 08:00:01 and 08:02.38 remembering to use the secret passcode if you want an "urgent" appointment. If you want non-urgent, most ailments will clear up or have killed you by the time it arrives. 

If working age adult males started using GPs the NHS would collapse within a year. 

The reason A&E is so full is because getting to see a GP has become hopeless for any real illness, so they are generally full of old bastards leeching from the system because they have "paid in" (albeit around £50 in today's money) and hypochondriac mothers with children. 

I have been with my GP practice for over 20 years and one receptionist has been there at least the same period.  She is a sour-faced harridan who deems it her duty to make poorly people feel sufficiently bad to justify letting them through her cordon to her GPs.

If Roald Dahl had written her you'd say: "You can tone that down a bit, m6" 

remember that cow in the news recently who said that being a cow was "her job"? I wanted to find her surgery and explain that tormenting people when they are at their most vulnerable seems quite a guantanamoy job.

TBF they are the same as the useless secretaries who are the partner's favourite because they have noshed them off in the past and now manage the book of indiscretions, and hate anyone that comes in and is just efficient and diligent in their job. Unfortunately as the NHS isn't as ruthless as a law firm they haven't outsourced essential manual work to Belfast and the rest to a machine. 

The receptionists at my surgery are nice and helpful but it takes several years to navigate the telephone system to be able to speak to them.

My Granny was the practice nurse at my surgery back in the 1960s and my ma has worked there too. Both very kind, helpful people

well that one in the daily mail said it was important so she could decide how to direct you but frankly is she going to recognise meningitis from a hangover? no she fooking isn't




tbh the NHS needs to get rid of all its admin staff, hospital secretaries seem like dicks too

Hospital admin is a fooking disgrace. We got sent a letter from our local general hozza offering us times for our first antenatal appointment. This was 6 weeks after our third miscarriage which ended up with a ERPC at the same hospital.

Does that mean you don't want to book an appointment then Mr Buzz?

Are you taking the fooking piss love?

I shit you not.

Wang, Strutters - you will be relieved to hear that at the weekend self-service was not necessary.


I self-referred to what I can only assume was some sort of private practice. barely felt the prick at all

Mostly they’ve been decent at my GP but they hired a new lady who definitely thinks she’s a doctor or something. 

I have a few “last resort” medications which I might take a course of once or twice a year, depending on blood results.  I needed to get a new batch, having taken one recently.

Bitch starts asking me, in the open, why I had taken it.  Um, because reasons.  fook off.  She refuses to help me saying she needs to know why I had taken it, so I told her that professor xxxx at derriford had told me to based on my blood results, so why not ask her?

Actually put in a complaint to the practice manager over that one.

Ha, no Clergs. I think I was just very relaxed.


There was a suggestion for there to be both a dr and a nurse present but the logistics didn't quite work out. I blame the receptionist 

In London ?  Horrible, horrible cows.  Lying about what appointments were available.  Bullying older patients who couldn't answer back.  Being rude and unhelpful to mums with small babies.  Happily taking their lunchbreaks when there was a long queue.  Just appalling, nasty lying toads.  

In the country ?  Nice ladies who try to help.