for the first time in a long time - redundo is in the air

what's a good chaos-proof job? am I too old to be a mercenary?

I would love to be made redundant. Slim chance though, as sadly I seem to be too useful. A long time ago a previous employer had a round of redundos. Mate of mine went to management and literally begged to be be part of it. He was told no way, you're good, we need you. All the people who got canned got massive pay-outs. Many went travelling the world for six months. That experience definitely helped shape the way I view the working world.

damnit heff you know I find weird posh people unsettling

is it too late now? maybe this is how I should ride out the recession

having to do all those obscenely expensive economic closed shop exams is so depressing to contemplate tho

Are big payouts still a thing?

We only have 2 active recruitment tickets - 1-3 pqe and 6-8 pqe. Usually would have a few more but some partners are a little nervous (I remain confident and of the view that you should always be recruitment given attrition, promotions etc etc) 

Based on the trends during the last recession and then how social habits have moved on - 

Deliveroo driver

Just eat driver

Macdonalds worker esp at Waterloo station at 11PM when it's heaving 

Amazon delivery driver

Amazon warehouse personnel

PR advisor person to the Tories for the latest chaos

Bertha28 Nov 23 18:09

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No employer who’s taken decent advice is going to be making big payouts kids, sorry, 


Well the place where I worked when this happened was a complete clown-show and I reckon they probably didn't get any advice at all.

Yeah, there was a staggering amount of dead wood to be fair. Nevertheless, they were constantly sending people on utterly pointless and long trips at vast expense. It's over 10 years ago, but my mind still boggles.

Yes, unless your contract is slient on redundancy and then  you're stuffed with statutory unless you can make a realistic threat of a an unfair dismissal claim for the higher of 105k or your salary, or an uncapped claim for discrimination...


If you were made redundant on or after 6 April 2023, your weekly pay is capped at £643 and the maximum statutory redundancy pay you can get is £19,290.

You can tell how screwed the transactional job market is by looking for corporate solicitor jobs in London on The Lawyer website and noting how many are a) not in London b) nothing to do with corporate, even through there are sod all on there anyway. No actual jobs, just desperate chinnies just trying to find anyone to fill jobs to keep them afloat. 

Time to jump on the AI or cybersecurity bandwagons

There are jobs aplenty there

Can’t imagine that there will be many in house gigs in the future that won’t come with an expectation of at least one TBH


No ffs. not even an interview. they called me and asked me a load of questions about my app then said I should expect to hear shortly then nothing. Suspect it was filled internally tbh.

Getting booted in early Q2 next year with a decent pay off would probably be the sweet spot. Take the summer off and aim to find something towards the back end of the year to start in Jan 2025.