when you have a disastrously messy room to clean

how do you start?corner at a time? go by themes?

my dining room needs to be emptied so I can serve dinner in it (extra difficult now the brexit stash is under the table)

tell me your methods!

1. Move everything off the table to make it tidy. Wipe and clean table top.

2. Go through paperwork - shred or file.

3. Vaccum floor.

4. Lay table properly and have a vase of flowers somewhere.

ok, starrers, but where do I put the Piles of Mayhem?

I have a steamer, a multicooker, boxes of crap

I really need to marie condo this shiz

yes, lady p, the stash is water (because the chemicals to purify may run out) and toilet paper (because we only have a 24 hour supply in the UK at any given time)


I have a lawnmower man in my garage fixing my ride on mower (I hope!)... I counted and realised I have 1440 tins of dog food and 480 tins of cat food.... given I own 3 dogs (21 tins a week), I don't consider this too excessive.  I've just been buying double the quantities I need for the last 6 months or so and storing the rest...I also have 1 tonne of pig food, 1/2 a tonne of lamb nuts, 1/2 a tonne of pony nuts and 200kg of chicken food....

It'll all get eaten come what may... stops me having to buy for ages...

Approved cleansing method for rooms:

(1) Stand in room and look around.

(2) Put arms akimbo and declaim "This will not do!" in a voice of sternness. 

(3) Call cleaning agency.  

ok, starrers, but where do I put the Piles of Mayhem?

I have a steamer, a multicooker, boxes of crap

Do you use the steamer or multicooker? If you haven't used them in six months, you don't need them. Charity shop.

Go through the boxes of crap. How long since you opened them?! Keep what you want and dump the rest.

Why not just put them in the rooms to which they belong?

Why did kitchen stuff end up in the dining room?  If you haven't got enough cupboard space you need a clear out....