According to Twitter, people on The Left

only follow people on the left, whereas those on the right follow everyone. 

Which is basically the same as Brexit. Most metropolitan Remainers only know other Remainers. Whereas everyone else has a more balanced view of things. 

Its probably what makes most Remainers such a bunch of flids

Heh at any leaver having "a balanced" view of things.

Brexit is an extreme right project that (as extreme right projects are sometimes apt to do) briefly gained large support by spreading lies and exploiting insecurity at the right time in the right place.   As ever when the population falls for the extreme right, they will live to regret it.



Brexit is so extreme right that Corbyn supports it.

I may silence one or two ardent Remainer friends as it's just getting utterly repetitive seeing the same thing again and again.

Brexit is generally supported by:

  • People on the right who are intelligent but whose vision for the future should terrify us all
  • People on the right who are of low intelligence
  • People on the left who are of low intelligence

The thing is, I don't live in an echo chamber. I engage with all kinds of people. That's how I predicted leave would win in the first place (a full year before the referendum even happened) and how I even managed to predict the correct percentage.

I engage with many, many people and have found the above to hold true.

The extreme right and extreme left do sometimes agree - and yes some socialists dislike the EU but quite clearly Brexit is an extreme right not an extreme left project.

In fact it is actually unusual in encompassing both types of extreme right - economic- small state, low welfare, fantasy as britain as an off shore tax haven - and -social- nationalist, anti immigrant, tribal.

Most leave voters went for the social aspects where as what motivates the leaders of the campaign is largely economic

"That's how I predicted leave would win in the first place (a full year before the referendum even happened) and how I even managed to predict the correct percentage."


Heh, you keep trotting this one out. Admit it, it was a guess - informed to a slight degree no doubt but let's not pretend that you did some fancy calculations to arrive at your prediction or had a large enough sample size of engagement with other people. It was a guess that happened to come out right and you've retroactively dressed it up as wisdom. You've got plenty wrong as well. We all have. Nothing about this whole process has been amenable to making reliable accurate predictions. 

It was a prediction based on engaging with a broad range of people and it turned out to be spot on. Unlike most other people (especially on here) who thought remain would win.

I must say Anna is pretty much spot on with her predictions

I could think of one or two predictions of rof brexshitters that proved to be inaccurate:)

now tell us where was anna completely wrong?

you dicksuck

man, do I dislike goose

"Some people believe the world is round

Some people believe the world is flat.


Only a complete fooking moron gives both beliefs equal value."

That's a false equivalence vis-à-vis the OP's point on left/right groupthink (which you just validated).  

mark griffith is pretty much the only intelligent leaver I know. he is well read. but he also fails at life spectacularly, both privately and as a professional (not quite sure where he gets his money from, at some point he published a book about the financial crisis, I even have it, not an easy read and not successful)

"It isn't. When one group is in complete denial about certain facts then there is no epistemological basis upon which to engage in discussion."

That presupposes that all left/right bias equates to the "denial of facts" by the right: in itself that is an incrediblely biased perspective.

You could make an argument for that assertion in some areas (e.g. climate change), but not in many others, where policy is about how we interpret data and the different solutions propsed on the basis of those intepretations. The "right" answer per se may never be apparent, however.  

And if you are not paying attention to anyone other than those on "your" side, who are in turn relaying to you what the other side thinks and how it should be interpreted, then the one in denial of certain facts, is you.



Actually, on social media there are a lot of frothing right wingers who follow left leaning politicians and accounts/pages such as the People's Vote campaign. Not to expose themselves to a range of views and broaden their minds, but purely for trolling purposes.


Q Anon

Sandy Hook Trutherism


Obama was a Muslim socialist founder of ISIS/Muslim Brotherhood yada yada 

Deep State



Operation Jade Helm

The EU needs us more than we need them

We can have our cake and eat it too.


I could go on and on and on about all the crazy shit right-wingers believe. You simply cannot have a rational discussion with someone who isn't rational.

I would beg to differ

There are a great many gammons who believe all kinds of shit they read on Facebook (paid for by Russia via Aaron banks). There are a great many gammons who have all kinds of abhorrent views on 'race' that bear absolutely no relationship to reality.

Draco is a perfect example.

which conspiracies do UK left wingers believe in then?


Anti Vac


9/11 was the CIA 

a thousand about Israel 



Satanic Panic


Peado MPs and Royals 




It is not a left and right thing - there are fooking idiot on both sides. Saying otherwise makes you out to be swivelied eyed fat hmong. 

wibble 27 Mar 19 15:11




Supes in the UK the majority of conspiracy loons are lefties. 

Also - Dumbfook american far right is not close to 90%+ of UK EU leave voters

er, Hanners r u hallucinating again?

the US far right leaders could not be closer to the Farage’s, the Fox’s and the Raab’s of the europhobe elite, and they tapped the parallel poor, white left behinds in the UK

Supes, another logical fallacy I'm afraid. you are straw manning based upon an Alex Jones-esque cariacature of the right.

Most of the above (granting the notable exceptions of the last two you've slipped in) were not advocated by credible mainstream figures. 


ok definitely not hanners. sure.

the idea that a lot of Brexter elites are not closely tied to the US far right is risible

and they definitely tapped the same sentiments amongst voters

Supes27 Mar 19 15:07


Q Anon

Sandy Hook Trutherism


A bazillion quid says Supes spends his evenings trying not to agree with Alex Jones. You guys even look alike, except he's not bald.

I said: "Dumbfook american far right is not close to 90%+ of UK EU leave voters"

You said: - "the idea that a lot of Brexter elites are not closely tied to the US far right is risible"


Try harder at reading and/or thinking next time. 


ur making this point to try to distinguish the American far right from the Brexit campaign

i am pointing out that actually we all know full well they are inextricably linked and an enormous number of Brexit voters (I won’t venture percentages) were attracted by that

if u r now saying that ur point was a really narrow one and that u were really just saying that there are a small number of people in the American far right and a small number of British in the far right, then i agree with that. but it’s an obvious point and not relevant to the thread.

so which one was it? were u trying to make the wider point, in which case u r wronger than wrong, or were u actually saying something really narrow and irrelevant?

Trump regularly promotes Alex Jones

Trump more or less created birtherism

The Republican led House conducted hearings on benghazi for 2 years

Michael Flynn, Trump's National Security Advisor was propagating Pizzagate rumours.

The NRA and a number of NRA backed congresspeople were claiming that the Parkland students were paid crisis actors

The Governor of Texas was promoting conspiracy theories about Operation Jade Helm and detention centres in closed Wallmarts.

There are multiple Republican members of congress who believe any number of these theories. 

This is the state of the Republican party in America. This is the state of the rightwing in the States.

Republican officials promote and condone all of the above 

It is not a straw man at all. These are Trumps core supporters who believe all of this shit. When people look at the polls and say who are these 35% of people who support tTrump it is people who believe this crap.


There are some proper thickos on here. 


"ur making this point to try to distinguish the American far right from the Brexit campaign"

no, try harder. 

Maybe read the words, not what you want them to say. 



Supes - This is not the USA, thank fook.