What a beautiful day!

Summer is here.  Happy Tecco.

And just for stixta I will stop identifying as a woman.

p.s. I got laid last night and this morning and boy did I need it.

Nah, it’s this really attractive redhead that I madly fancied when I first saw her like a month ago.  But I tried to get talking then and she was with a gobby mate who I ended up talking to (and silently cursing).  

Then, yesterday, she showed up on her own to meet a few people we know in common and there’s this really dreadful cheesey moment where she was outside having a smoke and I wandered out to vape with a pal but then she and one of our mutual friends said they were going back in and I (actually serious but was pretending to be jokey) said “but I only came out to talk to you!”

Didn’t stop her going back in but.... yeah she noticed it and omg am I happy now after we managed to sneak away from the group together.  So freaking brilliant, smart, funny, gorgeous.  Feels a bit too good to be true but... yup it’s true.

Had breakfast together earlier, two of my friends were in spoons and when she went to the loo she kissed me and wandered off and my mates were like “ok dude, did you drug her or something? Seriously, fooking how did this happen?”

heh.  Mmmmm life is perfect right now.


She is in so much shit with her mate lol.  Whoops.

the mate who picked up her phone last night after we drunkenly stumbled out of the pub. And who looked after her kids while she was at erm chez Tecco beach house last night.  Eek.

You got drunk? - Was that a good idea?

She walked out on her mate and left her phone? - Was that a good idea?

She abandoned her kids? - OH FOR fook'S SAKE MAN WILL YOU JUST GROW THE fook UP

Yeah ok so fine, spoons is shit but it’s a big cheap breakfast and she’s as much of a chav as I am.  Lol so in love.


My best crazy mate is properly annoyed with me though.  He keeps saying “I’m actually happy that you found someone mate”.  But he is soooooo upset with me and thinks I’m going to abandon him.  Meh.

Her kids were having an arranged sleepover with a friend.  It was also organized that they would go to school from there and they are watching wind in the willows at the minac later.

The issue was that because one friend nicked her phone (was on charge and in public and we had probably left) she couldn’t speak with her kids this morning, as she lives in st just and I live a long way from there.


How does your cpn respond to your accounts of surrounding yourself with “crazy” friends and all this stuff? I thought they’d want you to be around stable people. That was the impression I got from doing MH review work years ago. The panels like to know that someone with difficulties wasn’t going to relapse due to their environment. 

Ok so, I showed her this, adviser her of my previous “form” and she laughed and said let’s send them a picture.

She is in the lol right now but wang, please don’t publish it, but I shall send a pic to you and expect you to very reluctantly verify it.

She approved the sending of a photo and you saying she’s got large tits? I take it all back. You’re perfectly matched. fook me Cornwall is a magnet for the strange. 

Yup. The dishevelled older blokes, a slightly younger one and a couple of women who probably look older than they are due to drink. All screeching and ricocheting between “I love you you fooker” displays of drunken affection and “I’ll fook you up you fooker” rage. 

I know this as there was one in Brum near the crown court that was filled with the same demographic on a daily basis. 

wang, I sort of want to know if this photo convinces you any more of the veracity of the account but I also sort of don't want to know.

this is why godfearing people don't go to wetherspoonses.

I only chose wang because a) I know his email address and b) his word on Rof is above reproach.

Heh, there's someone who's never participated in a Wang challenge.

Not really clergs other than the high probability of it being taken in a spoons.  also given the amount of drool tecco seems to be applying and the number of opiods he claims to be on, this lady's sensibility may be impaired

Lolz @ judo.

Sorry ladies, the tecco has found himself an equally mad girlfriend.  Ok maybe it’s not love but it’s definitely a rather enjoyable addiction.

Hopong for some support from Badman in this in terms of making spur of the moment decisions.


have you taken your temperature recently? You seem to be running hot. - hot of penis, imagination and mania. Delirium maximum. 

You’ve shagged some purple haired nose-stud-bearing hair braider with her fire juggling kit and dog on a piece of bailer twine and you took her to breakfast at Wetherspooge. 

The nagging feeling you’ve got near the penis. This is not love. It’s herpes.

Thanks Gwen, appreciate it.  And yes she likes marmite too.

I swear she was made for me lol.   Going to take her kids out on the boat later, show them how to fish.  Brilliant weekend ahead, can’t look after everyone here so we will head over to Texaco Towers afterwards.

Oscar, Arabella, this is Mr Teclis, he's going to be your new papa.  He's a local unemployed lunatic I picked up in the Weatherspoons and have been having unimpressive unprotected sex with.  he is on a selection of antipsychotic drugs and is prone to accidents so I think it's best if I let him take you out to deep water in a small boat.

“It’ll be fine, I’m actually good with kids.“

You’re either being deliberately obtuse or you’ve got fook all clue what you’re doing. It’s not about you. If there are kids involved no one gives a shit whether you get on with kids. It’s whether the introduction of a casual shag post 2 nights congress is the best idea for them. The chap and I waited nearly 10 months for me to meet the kids. It’s all fact dependent of course but 2 nights is irresponsibly rapid and likely unsettling. Unless she’s always doing this in which case there’s your other issues. 

Crack on though. fook up a couple of youngsters too along the way. Nice touch. 

This is funny. A non-related story. A rich single bloke moves to a small town, hangs out it the same pub most days. Word gets round the local trailer trash, as it always does. And then...

Bailey is of course a delightful individual however I think being absurdly preachy.  Hazel and I have spoken about this and she has quite an interesting view.  

Which is that ten months in, you are both hugely committed emotionally and if things didn’t work out with the kids, where exactly does that leave you both?  Her view is that best to check if the single most important things in her life are compatible and if so, fine, let’s carry on with the relationship but if not, we’ll lets leave things there.

There are plenty of different views I suppose. I’m besotted with her and her children and everyone gets on well.  Her son is absolutely in need of some male influence and apparently has never really taken to anyone she has been with before yet we get on well, chat like friends, I took him fishing and showed him how to drive a boat ffs.  He’s a decent lad.

So yeah, I may be mad but I’m not a aunt and never have been. Ok?

We are absolute beginners.  She has no clue what she is doing, hasn’t been with anyone for nearly a decade.  I have no clue what I’m doing either.  We are both being bonkers and her kids and I get on rather well.  Less preachy lease gang, it may not work out but no reason to be twots about it before it even ends.

Top marks to Tecco for this glorious fishing expedition.

He’s hooked so many with this fantastical fantasy saga.

Next instalment will be he’s coaching Tyler mini rugby, Kayleigh some irish dancing and has been asked to lead their school’s PTA.