Rof is dying

Isn't  it?

Slowly. But irreversibly.


Declining. In many ways its an old fashioned website so you don't really have the regeneration of new younger posters. Also rof banning active posters like chill, Anna etc doesn't help.

No, it goes through ups and downs in terms of usage but there has not been any sustained long term decline, and the forum is a lot livelier (and actually a lot less filled with bickering) than it was a year or so ago - that’s the cycle 

I think it's better now than during the 'gaslighting abusive stage' of Anna and her various other usernames and risky 

Can't comment on what it was like before that 

what crypto said - mid/late 00's late/weekend was proper mental, and a lot of the people who used to post have left and not been replaced.

some things are probably better now but the board is a lot less entertaining 

Should have read the T&C's when you signed up then, shouldn't you:

The fun generated by the RoF discussion board relates to certain investments from posters whose output is dependent on fluctuations in their time, intelligence and whit outside our control. Your commitment to RoF and the enjoyment you derive from it may go down as well as up and you may get back less than the amount you invested. Past performance is not a guide to future performance.

Cookie, you’ve made a LOT of bitchy comments, even in the last 24 hours (see my Christmas thread par exemple), so are you saying your kind of hatred is the correct form? 

I don’t think so. I used to think certain regular posters were vital to ROF. But many of them have left / been banned and yet the board is actually fine without them. Just goes to show no one is irreplaceable.

The thing is, people have different opinions. People argue and fight and feel passionately about whatever it is they feel is important. But, ultimately, no one on this board has the power to direct influence much in this world. Not really.
And fuelling yourself with hatred is exhausting and makes you bitter and angry and twisted up in your own mind.

There’s a wonderful Buddhist quote on this “Holding Onto Anger Is Like Drinking Poison and Expecting the Other Person to Die.”

We are all guilty of rage and anger and holding onto things. But that’s not how I want to live and RoF didn’t used to be such a hotbed of constant rage and awful bullying and just fooked up garbage. I mean. There was some, but not in the way it is now, like Japanese knotweed, taking everything down. I just wonder what’s really going on with some people. What kind of person they really are. Unhappy, I think. Bored and unhappy. 

It's always been full of bullies 

Used to be really homophobic back in the day to boot 

During my first stint before I ditched it in 2010 the treatment meted out to me and others was often horrific . Alot of the worst /nastiest people have gone tbh 

A lot of the bullying was performative and was why we all came here. Words on a screen and all that. 

Some of it crossed the line tbf tbf.

Been frequenting these parts for a very long time and I think we are well past the heyday. It feels like decline, managed or otherwise. The lack of new blood is probably the biggest issue.

That and aging.

There are numerous discussion boards for all sorts of interests that continue to flourish, thanks to effective moderation and contributors not treating them like online cliquey AA meetings. No wonder there are so few new posters.

lots of people, good people, are saying that there is a correlation between being an alt-right weirdo like risky or rob and trying to shut down free speech while claiming to oppose regulation but I couldn’t possibly comment

Of course he wasn't permabanned. Nobody can be permabanned effectively.

Maybe the cognitive dissonance caused by him being banned purportedly for racism or whatever was too much for his delicate constitution and he resolved to spend more time in echo chambers.

Rob Cannon got chill banned because Rob C is a penis 

lots of people, good people, are saying that there is a correlation between being an alt-right weirdo like risky or rob and trying to shut down free speech while claiming to oppose regulation but I couldn’t possibly comment

The thread on which Chill posted stuff about me that resulted in him being banned was one on which I criticised the Met for being entirely demographically unrepresentative of the population of London  and advocated for recruitment quotas for minority ethnic recruitment. So yeah, I'm really "alt-right" and opposed to regulation.

But at least Merkz's description of me as "alt-right" is somewhat less offensive than calling me a "potato wog" to which he devoted a whole post last week.  

He called Rob out on his racism and then all his posts disappeared. 

Ah, yes, Lemonade Bluebottle who refers to me as a "shamrock merchant". (Oddly, shamrock being one of the few ingredients which doesn't make an appearance in LB's skincare regime.) 

TBF the quality of the name-calling on here is so unimaginative that I'm not surprised the site is declining.


I’m relatively new here and have not deciphered the cycles that boards probably go through. 
Increasingly I limit my contributions to frivolity. I try to speak to people on here as I would IRL and just avoid vitriol. I don’t like its taste.
It diminishes the breadth of the board as people leave on account of it. 

People insult me all the time on here 

Lucky I am woke AF so have a thick skin and it makes no difference to me

Not like one of these thin skinned alt right whingers trying to get everyone cancelled 

I miss Anna as she could be quite funny when away from certain subjects.  Been enjoying this place recently though as much less vitriol than there was between 2016 and 2020 or so.

I’m relatively new here and have not deciphered the cycles that boards probably go through. 

Increasingly I limit my contributions to frivolity. I try to speak to people on here as I would IRL and just avoid vitriol. I don’t like its taste.
It diminishes the breadth of the board as people leave on account of it. 

Same here, but ultimately I think many of the people that use this board like to adopt personas and to speak in ways that they wouldn't IRL. It's an outlet

With the exception of someone like Mutters and a few others (who generate thread momentum with non-offensive and, dare I say it, somewhat pedestrian content), controversial posters are typically the most successful Roffers

I think one of the points of ROF is to allow people to let off steam about topics and feelings that they would not feel comfortable doing and with real life colleagues.    I think the dropping of the politeness veil we live most of our lives under is one of ROFs attractions.  We dont have to say "interesting point but..." in the normal english manner but just say "shit point you idiot".

With the exception of someone like Mutters and a few others (who generate thread momentum with non-offensive and, dare I say it, somewhat pedestrian content), controversial posters are typically the most successful Roffers

We need more Mutters.

We need Nurse Duckett.

We need a bit more fun and less puritanism.

I don't think the bans (or people agitating for them) have helped. Query whether people are actually typing anything *that* bad. Up to the mods, I suppose.


cookster m7, u posted the most puritanical thing i’ve ever read on rof the other day

admittedly it was really boring so i cannot remember wot it was about

but it was full on whiteadder level puritanical

There are strange people here but personally never say anything I wouldn’t say to my friends and plenty of things my colleagues have already worked out about me.

"I don’t remember any homophobia. Maybe I just didn’t go on those threads" 

It reflected the times, it was not a hotbed of hatred for gay people but the language used was homophobic.   "gay" (or on rof "ghey") used to mean something negative was a standard part of the rof lexicon