Best TV series intro (music AND opening credits)

Goodness, I confess to having no idea how prolific Mr Post was!

A quick google suggest he (or his team) composed the themes for dozens of era defining US shows including:  The Rockford Files (which was the one show I really wanted to watch when I was around 10 but I was sent to bed instead); LA Law; Murder One; The A Team; Magnum PI; Quantum Leap; and Diagnosis Murder (and lots of other shows I am not familiar with). 

Quite a career, all told





The West Wing has an utterly shit theme tune and the opening credits are like someone described 80s opening credits to them in a voicemail and they did their best. 

Oh yes, first season true detectives. It’s a grower.

I too believe I could recall all the words to dogtanian and the muskahounds. Indeed, I will probably be singing that for days now. 

True Detective (season 1) - the music and visuals perfectly captured the hillbilly/backwater location setting but also eluded to the dark themes of TD.


Band of Brothers - not so much the visuals but the music alone.


Baywatch - “Always keep them running….all the time running……run Yasmine run”

Tromb has this as the fall guy is the correct answer.  A Team second.  Will give the Sopranos third (and possibly most atmospheric theme tune ever). 

60s / 70s children's programme Magpie.

The Spencer Davis Group (under the alias Murgatroyd Band) with Steve Winwood at the height of his vocal prowess.

Seriously, listen to it.

The images from the title sequence are also really trippy.

Yes I searched for the thread. 

Brideshead is on ITVX and it looks to be the 4k remaster from Brit Box only s couple of years ago. Free with ads (or get a 7 day trial and cancel - obvs most itv is gash)

It was filmed on 16mm and all the dvd releases are a bit off. This is crisp as crisp can be. For me it’s the space on location. The space that lets the underlying metaphors breathe. And most of all, obvs, Diana Quick.

Took my (real) kids to see The Fall Guy and told them it was an 80s classic. And then explained A Team, KnightRider, Airwolf and Streekhawk. They were bemused that all 80s older kids drama was the same idea but with a different vehicle.