Transcripts of Rudi Guiliani conversations with a co-worker

It is astonishing to think that, at one time, he was thought to be the actual embodiment of dignity, fortitude, calm under the worst kind of pressure, leadership and a quiet strength.  The way in which he has crapped relentlessly on his own legacy is almost impressive.


“Come here, big tits,” Giuliani says on one occasion, according to the transcript. “Come here, big tits. Your tits belong to me. Give them to me [indiscernable]. I want to claim my tits. I want to claim my tits. I want to claim my tits. These are my tits.”

“Jewish men have small cocks because they can’t use them after they get married,” Giuliani said, according to the transcript. “Whereas the Italian use them all their lives so they get bigger.”

“Matt Damon is a fag,” “Matt Damon is also 5’2″, eyes are blue. Coochi-coochie-coochie-coo.”

"These breasts belong to me. Nobody else can get near these, okay? I don't care if they're flirting or they give you business cards. These are mine, you got it?"

"Give me half an hour with her and I'll be up to me nuts in guts"

“She's nineteen, Ferrari Chassis, legs up to her arse”

“Both of them have got their laughing gear round the old single barrel pump action yoghurt rifle”

On the face of it very disarming.

I so clearly recall his imposing leadership. It seemed genuine cometh the hour stuff.

Maybe we have to accept that at some level we're all flawed. 

His poor daughter. She was embarrassed enough after all the networks.

I have increasingly been thinking recently (including when reading about qanon and other conspiracy theorist stuff) that people get away with all sorts of carry on these days where once someone would have said you've lost it mate, into the loony bin with you.

Could be wrong.