Scorners of the super broccoli

Might wish to note that since starting it I have lost 3kg

I also feel generally more zoomy 

You're losing weight because you're eating fewer calories or doing more exercise. It's not super broccoli magic. 

Er, and what about feeling generally more zoomy? Explain that away Professor Science!

Er, and what about feeling generally more zoomy? Explain that away Professor Science!

She likes in person meetings even less with the extra methane she’s producing?

I've lost four pounds in a month but just cutting out mid-afternoon chocolate bars in the office and only having one biscuit at home and only one chocolate mousse pot after dinner.  I feel floatier.

There is an article in today's telegraph from a French nutrionist.

In essence, we are fatty bon bons bc:

1) portion sizes are too big here

2) we snack

3) we booze

4) we eat at our desks

I googled ‘calories in a beer and in a Big Mac’ the other day and they are about the same

so every 6 pint session is like sitting there in the pub scoffing 6 Big Macs back to back

and then you get large medium kofte and chips on the way home

no wonder I have to work so hard for my 6 pack

I haven’t lost any weight but have lost a dress size. Will fast tomorrow. Lots of get me through the dull task snacks today including a croissant, chocolate Brownie.  French women don’t get Fat is a great book. Many French women do not snack or eat processed foods at all. It also has so much joie de vivre and advice on the importance of living well every day and having loads of romance etc 

I love that book Elephant, it's both comedy gold and correct in fact. Eat less basically.

Sorry but I'm not sold on powdered soup that somehow contains more broccoli than actual broccoli.

Thanks Clerg. I'm going to buy some of this super stuff, not for weight loss but just for general health and energy levels after being ill. Will report back.

On the weight loss front - my all time number one hack is not having choc, crisps, cake, bics or anything remotely similar in the house as I have the discipline of a crack addict when it comes to sweet treats and could mainline a whole packet of custard creams, jaffa cakes or any other biscuits without blinking!! The only exception is when I go home as the parents always have a well stocked biscuit jar. Sails - I woudn't be able to stop at 1 only so it's easier to have none at all.

It helps that my home office is a walk from the house so on a day like yesterday the desire for a biscuit is tempered by getting soaked on the way to and from the biscuit box.