Thoughts on Bazball

1) By far and away my overriding thought is that I’m still a huge fan of it. We wouldn’t have had the unbelievable highs of last year without it and they said at the time it would lead to some days like yesterday but they would stick with it. Good. Yes, it’s not fun seeing us get completely dominated by the Aussies and getting out to silly shots (Joe and Harry, I’m looking at you in particular!) but I’ll take that for the times when it comes off.

2) My understanding of Bazball is that it to play positively at all times rather than try to belt every ball for four. They might need to remember this!

3) After the first innings at Edgebaston (the field to Kwaje) they seem to have run out of ideas as to how it applies when bowling. I’d like to see them focus on this next.

4) The commentators and Vaughan in particular can do one as they were so in favour last year but now, after one poor performance they’re all dead set against.

He talks about Jim being in a doom spiral and I think that is pure projection. 

All of his rof "allies" have managed to stick to their flounce presumably because they have actual mates in the real world (or a new baby).

Back to bazball, we are still going at a reasonable lick despite those early wickets. We have to keep believing until it is over. That is the whole point of bazball. If we can keep going, the quicks will tire and Lyon isn't going to bowl.

2 down at stumps and we were favourites, 3 down and Oz slight favourites, 4 down and Oz strong favourites any more than 4 and game over.

First 30 mins tomorrow crucial. 

Stokes is the only man on earth who can do this. 

It’s now become gormless and moronic batting.

Declaring on that first evening at Edgbaston will be seen, in years to come, as the hubristic peak of Bazball.

Fat Bob will have resigned by September.

Don’t agree at all. Bazball will continue as long as Stokes can take the field (although, judging from his current wincing, that might mean it is over within the next couple of weeks).

Not surprised that red trouser inherited wealth marshall does not like a bit of excitement

He thinks cricket should be 2 an over and shake hands 

The sport is dying lad and baz is here to save it by getting new support like me 

As for "getting working class people into it" and "love seeing a geezer smash a ball", anyone with any knowledge of the history of the game will know that the gritty working-class, largely Northern, batting style of the "Players" (as epitomised by Hutton etc) contrasted with the cavalier Southern upper class style of the "Gentlemen". 

Jim, see how I had faith almost a month ago and then lost it. 

Rof Royalty01 Jul 23 17:41

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Back to bazball, we are still going at a reasonable lick despite those early wickets. We have to keep believing until it is over. That is the whole point of bazball. If we can keep going, the quicks will tire and Lyon isn't going to bowl.

That mad innings getting duped by short stuff over and over. We'd be sipping champagne with a 3-1 win now otherwise. 

Yeah - the problem was that I was losing it then. Let’s both keep the faith for the whole of the next series (really tough one in India) and see if it works.

Good series. We were comfortable better than Australia in three games and almost as good in a fourth, the Edgbaston test. Im not completely sold on Bazball, but I have revised my opinion of it. I think it helps bowlers more than batsmen actually.

Laz - I think you need to get used to it as, while Ben and Baz are there, this is how we’ll play.

Unfortunately, I cannot see it surviving them so I hope they work together for a very long time and Ben’s knee holds up.

Having watched a shedload  of Ashes series victories at home I cannot understand how you lot can be so gleeful that we only drew the series (and against a team with basically 3 bowlers).

And no way was it ‘the best ever series’.

1981 is still the Gold Standard, followed by 2005 and 1977.

Problem with bazball is that it can get the team get carried away by the hype - that T1D1 declaration was on reflection possibly the worst decision over the whole series and could well have cost England the overall ashes win.

Bazball transformed this England squad's (give or take) performance from losing lots to winning lots. Looking forward to the Moneyball style feature with lots of Hollywood A listers acting the key England roles. Matt Damon as Broad for starters.

Problem with bazball is that it can get the team get carried away by the hype - that T1D1 declaration was on reflection possibly the worst decision over the whole series and could well have cost England the overall ashes win.

The problem wasn’t declaring but in picking the wrong attack. The worst decision was to go in with an attack of Anderson, Robinson, Broad and half fit Moeen and Stokes. 

Also being undercooked for a home series in June is pretty unforgivable. 

I think it is probably the best way to play given our current batsmen. With the exception of Root, the current crop’s natural game is not based on a ‘traditional’ test strike rate and running for singles. They tried to play a more defensive game under Root as captain and it was a disaster. As far as I am concerned, Bazball has been less about hitting every ball to the boundary, and more about (i) allowing the batsmen to play their natural game and (ii) not being dropped for the odd bad performance as a result of playing that game.  

But if we had a load of Cook, Trott and Root type batsmen then I’d assume we’d revert to a game based on a slower strike rate and accumulating runs as well as boundries.