weird lock down things you suddenly remember

meeting a client for a "Coffee" virtually.   Cringefest.

The background that made you look like you were in the cockpit of a fighter plane was fun. I had one that placed me at Barnards Castle for a team virtual piss up. Good times.

The silence when sitting outside, punctuated only by glorious birdsong

The absence of contrails in the sky

Thinking "sod it" and going for a walk for the allocated time

Sitting at the kitchen table with my family for lunch and dinner

It's not weird to say saving a fortune on commuting and not having to come up to London.

I liked the enforced social distancing because I like it that way anyway. Two metres in the queue outside Waitrose was fine by me also.

Saving money on travelling to interviews; not clicking with the interviewer is the same on Zoom, Teams or F2F. Also, re the above, one could wear jeans with one's jacket and tie.

I was thinking about this last night, as I met my father for  a quick pint. Remember when restaurants, and certainly pubs were told by Whitty et al to keep the doors open. Christ. And only entering and exiting venues by designated front doors, notwithstanding those doors were inches apart..

Temprature checks! 

Rule of six , same household, yeah right. Saw loads of times people , mainly students, pull two tables together to make 12. Manager " Are you all from the same household?" 

Students "Yeah" 

Manager " OK"

They had no way of checking

And filling in those stupid pieces of paper on entry. My local restos and pubs, would empty them at the end of the night and contained on those pieces of paper, was just scribble, literally .

Signing in and leaving your phone number (oh yeh) when entering a pub.

Kids back at home, either on Furlough or sent home from Uni, playing lots of board games.

Cycling through deserted town centres.

The entire night shift of Sussex emergency services appearing outside my house for a guy who’d come off a motor bike.  Basically their only shout of the shift.

BT FINALLY fixed our 5 years standing rubbish broadband issue when we said Dr M needs to work from hone. They came round the next day and didnt even charge.

Volunteering at the local hospital, I was rubbish, I kept getting lost, Dr M tells me they have now had a go at fixing the poor sign posting.


I was also brewing prolifically. My home brew shop had a bit of old pale ale grain to shift and I bought 2 sacks at about £30 a pop. 

I was mostly brewing English ordinary bitters because we were getting in the beers quite early in the day on account of having nothing better to do (we had months of this shit where I live, over the course of a couple of years). Got about 500 pints out of it. 

By contrast I've brewed about 40 litres this year. 

Haringey put all the benches in cages.

nursery requiring lat flow tests from u5s despite haringey saying they weren’t needed / appropriate 

2 year development tests all but cancelled 

me and nob (3) got stopped by the police because he had sat down on the floor to eat a sandwich and you weren’t allowed to sit down (or eat?) in Brent Cross shopping centre at the time 

loads of my friends have ended up with solo children as fertility treatments stopped and their window was those 2 years 

Queue of people 2m apart that snaked back on itself so the people going in different directions were only inches away from each other. Made a mockery of the whole ridiculous thing.