What's done is done so I'm not going to apologise



'I don't think politicians should endlessly apologist for everything'


Right so Kwarteng m7 you take full 'responsibility' for causing tens of thousands more children going hungry in this country but don't think you need to apologise.

God I fvcking despise Tories. Yet another over privileged thick w**ker who wasn't punched in the face enough growing up and who thinks a public school and Oxbridge education means they have something valuable to contribute to the world. What have we done to deserve these people (yes yes, vote for Brexit and the Tories I know)?

Just have the decency to go and live in a cave in Madagascar with no access to a TV camera, taking with you every other Eton Tory khunt until you do the world a favour and starve 



". Yet another over privileged thick w**ker who wasn't punched in the face enough growing up and who thinks a public school and Oxbridge education means they have something valuable to contribute to the world"

Spot on with this 

Permeates through society and business at all levels 

’over privileged thick w**ker who wasn't punched in the face enough growing up and who thinks a public school and Oxbridge education means they have something valuable to contribute to the world‘

partly that, partly too much chang

I cannot understand how anybody, literally anybody can be considering voting for this lot again at the next election - not just a stupid decision but a morally reprehensible one.

‘not just a stupid decision but a morally reprehensible one’

careful m7, if you call them stupid they will get very cross and vote to leave the UN or something 

Sunak Government

Sunak is as bestial and vile as the rest of them. He is hard right. He views the rest of us with absolute contempt and lies as maliciously and often as any of them bar Johnson. In a government with Suella Braverman as home secretary, there is almost nobody alive too thick or right wing for a Sunak government, the mendacious little khunt. Another fvckhead that needs to viciously physically bullied. 

the hard right of the party have realised that their take-over from 2015 onwards was not very successful.  But they've also managed to pick-up the thick racist vote, and grow more thick racists.  So now, with their Nat-C Conference they're laying the groundwork for a breakaway party to hoover up the Brexit Party, UKIP, National Front and all of those.  Modelled on Trumpish GOP and the SNP.   And then try and leverage that into a coalition with the One Nation Tory rump.

I cannot understand how anybody, literally anybody can be considering voting for this lot again at the next election



"I don't believe in politicians endlessly apologising for everything that's gone in the past"

Yeah, stick to your guns, KK. You being asked to apologise for the cack-handed policies that you yourself devised less than a year ago and which had a direct detrimental effect on millions of individuals and the economy as a whole is exactly like a government being asked to apologise for historical events such as the slave trade.

Also, he is sweating an awful lot by the end of the interview.

OB they are still too scared of alienating "Red wall" voters.   The fact is apart from a few Tory right wingers nobody really cares much about Brexit anymore but telling all these brexit voters they got it wrong probably wont help.  Best strategy is to say as little as possible but then do the best to repair damage once in office - eg by moving towards EEA membership.

I mean I despair the piece this morning about how beer and tampax is the big win in brexit was about as depressing as it gets. Every poll I see says we trust the eu more than Westminster and brexit is a total disaster there must be more that want to be in the eu than out by now given a load of codgers who voted for inc my grandpa (grrr the shame of it) have now shuffled off the mortal coil 

It must also partly be in recognition of the fact that the EU won't have us back any time soon. At least until all the remnants of brexiters have been eliminated at the ballot box. Looking forward to GE. 

I will vote Labour this time (first time) because it cannot be allowed to continue like this but I’m sure if they manage to drop interest rates a couple of points and have a couple of sweeteners everyone will still vote Tory 

EU will happily accept us into the SM/CU.  Rejoining is trickier.  They won't offer the same sweet-heart deal we had previously, and they'll probably need to see some sort of 65%+ public appetite for it.  Think of us as the dad who ran off with his 22 year old secretary who now realises what a mistake he's made.  There's a route back, but it's not without substantial hoop-jumping.

Whoever thinks the tories are hard right must be joking. Their policies are further left than Blair's were. Much higher taxes, more regulation for landlords and protection for tenants, all the green bullshit. I had a letter from a junior treasury minister recently that read like a socialist manifesto. They've royally cocked things up, but labour haven't had a policy or idea in 13 years. Keir is a genuinely nice fella, i've worked with him previously, but I'm disappointed with his opposition, he's too nice for politics. 

Same same with tampax pancakes. I thank rishi and the sweet sunlit uplands of brexit every month. Not. 

One of the many things I miss about the eu was how much cleaner the beaches back home were. As a kid before the eu regulations they were filthy and you wouldn’t swim, then they cleaned them up and there were signs why and it was great. Now the sewage dumping is so bad that the oyster crops are at risk this year.

What I don’t get is why labour aren’t putting a rejoin manifesto in place - that would secure my vote in a heartbeat. Why is that not an option? 

Anyone asking this prob needs to get out of N London more.

Starmer would be mad/stupid to run on an explicit re-join ticket.  It would turn the whole election into a re-run of Brexit which then becomes small boats and flights to Rwanda blocked by 'European Judges'. That is absolutely not where he wants to fight this election and he definitely doesn't need to.

To be fair he is finally getting it. Talk about housing and the cost of living and the NHS, education and then housing and the NHS a bit more and then let's have a bit more about the NHS please not forgetting the cost of living of course

’What I don’t get is why labour aren’t putting a rejoin manifesto in place - that would secure my vote in a heartbeat. Why is that not an option? Too soon?’

probably a parliament too soon. But if labour win then expect heavy pressure on the leadership to move towards SM & CU membership. Lots of Labour MPs and senior figures like Sadiq Khan already calling for if ofc

"Whoever thinks the tories are hard right must be joking". 

Er the country is in the state it is in because of  austerity and Brexit, both of these things were economically disastrous and catapulted the country back from being one of Europe's most successful countries in the early to mid 00s to one of its least successful and stem very clearly from right wing ideology 

It’s all Blair’s fault for being so successful of course. Britain was shown how it could be a modern society taking part in the wider world and decided it preferred warlord, fireball, and BANZAIIII comics with Lord Snooty and Penfold. Whilst flogging its Crown Jewels assets to dirty forrin money. 

You can see it all just creaking when you walk around, run down, dirty, litter and dog shit everywhere, empty shops etc and that’s just the tip of the iceberg - but tampax and beer and blue passports 🙌

"Think of us as the dad who ran off with his 22 year old secretary "

Erm, who exactly was the 22 year old  secretary in your scenario, Jello?

I mean, if the last few years since Brexit had been the enjoyable sociopolitical equivalent of filthy, sweaty, five-times-a-night sex with someone half your age, then I could see how analogy might work. But...

Yeah, fair. Maybe left wife for secretary he'd flirted with, and showed up on her doorstep at 11pm on a Friday after confessing to his wife, to find the secretary had just been flirting but has zero interest in a pudgy 47 year old. So it's off to the Travelodge to search for 1bed places to rent on Rightmove. 

Rof Royalty18 May 23 09:21 ReplyReport

I am pretty sure Madagascar is an African country tbh, just like the UK and Ireland are European countries.

well yes - most oceanic islands r grouped with their nearest continental mainland 2 count as the geographical area

from a purely geological perspective, continents r single landmasses and there4 madagascar is a part of the geographical african region, but not the continent of africa (just as the uk and ireland r part of the european geographical region, but can refer 2 mainland europeans as “continentals”)

i accept it’s a toss up and ppl don’t givva fook