Friday vote - Best British winger

Giggs or Sir Stanley?

Maybe Spurs could move to making tombstones for "quite good games" to put in their trophy cabinet, with an arena ringed with "highest potential goals - May 2004", "Best Stadium Catering - 2020" and "Highest Shots On Target August - December 1983" etc

The food at the new spurs stadium is boss level and it's the only prem stadium I have been to where you can comfortably get served at the bar in under 5 minutes at half time. 

Wang, that spurs game was the first game I watched with my eldest. He was newborn and just out of the ICU after a hairy first few days. He hates football now. Guess never able to recapture that first high. 

Irish, British, or anything in between, has to be Georgie Best; he was part of all our lives. 

"Who's that idiot?", wondered this star-struck boy's Dad:… 

Look at the delicate calmness of this goal – ball fell to him un-expectedly, facing a goalie and 4 defenders, and the scoring angle?   Well, tbh, you’d have needed a drone to see it - unreal - I'd have
struggled to throw it in:

And let’s remember, these lads were playing on rough mucky pitches in an era where if there was "no blood, there was no foul".  It was accepted that a defender could commit a series of GBHs on their more gifted opponents.  Modern strikers are very protected, and rightly so, but few of them would have lave lasted a half in this era. Much of George’s technique had as much to do with skipping and hurdling career-ending “tackles” as it had to do with football.  There was no point in waiting for the ref to protect you, that generally wouldn’t happen.

That was the thing about George - fun.  Watching Best, I never just applauded - I often laughed out loud, and still do.  And then check out the balance, and, as famously was remarked about him, those feet, “as sensitive as a pickpocket’s hands” – and I still smile at the one at the end of this short 4 minute clip, where he robbed England’s fabulous world cup winning goalie, Gordon Banks. The goal was incorrectly disallowed, it was perfectly valid, but the ref, either determined to spare Banks' blushes and/or so confused by the sheer audacity of what had just happened, couldn’t quite believe it.  A refereeing error, but one of sport’s golden underdog moments for me:


Excellent post and clip from papercuts. Wins the thread.

And yep - at one point I found myself laughing.

The clip is littered with career ending challenged that just missed. He’s like a matador without a cape running at speed actross a muddy field with a ball. Amazing stuff.


That said wasnt Best more of an inside forward than a winger?

@Jamiestone - events off the field don't disqualify you from being the best on the field. 

IMHO it's a tie between Giggs and Best. Those were the days - Best particularly - when football was still worth watching.