Vinyl vs streaming

Vinyl every time. Until you put the white album on and want to skip ob-la-di ob-la-da

We've moved so many times, our vinyls were lost/ left in an attic/ burgled yonks ago.

We once had a Binatone turntable and a Bang and Olfsen CD and tape player.

I'd stick with my CDs and whatever I get on i-tunes as the outlay for vinyls and turntable, for budgetary reasons, wouldn't pass my cost-benefit analysis. I need funds to up-skill (IT etc), build my small portfolio into a less small one and to eat.



I do miss my 45s and 33s, though.

Millennials wouldn't know what a B-side is, or maybe a 45 or 33.

So a certain generation can say, 'Yes, Goodnight Saigon was better than Leave A Tender Moment Alone.'

There was a guy whose act on chat shows was to be able to read the grooves on a vinyl album and to say which one is was.

Hopefully he had another income stream when everyone got CDs then went digital.

Maybe he can now make a come-back.