The Apprentice

I know I’m a few days late but how did none of them know what a trug is?

What is the point of testing business skills without use of internet?

Would be a bit of a boring episode if they let them just Google stuff. I agree though, they should probably come up with a better format for that bit, but then how do you avoid endless scenes of them huddling round a smartphone?

yes obviously, you would tweak the tasks to better reflect real life, that is my point.   Just bizarre to be testing ability to find stuff out without the internet.   Like not allowing them to use a calculator 

as a child of the 80s I remember being told by every maths teacher that the point of learning arithmetic was that you would not have a calculator in your pocket at all times through life - every maths teacher was wrong. 

I watch out of habit of half a life time, but find my attention wandering now - the cast not even very entertaining this year - and very little thought goes into updating tasks-  think I will finally call it a day

Re the Internet, you might as well ask what's the point of closed book exams? It's to make you use your brain ffs. Test your proper research skills, initiative, etc. 

dux there must be ways of testing the skills you still actually need in business rather than the ones you no longer need - its like making them use yellow pages...

the point of closed book exams dux it to test what you have learnt.  For most academic subjects you need foundation knowledge and need to prove you have it,  you cannot be looking up everything from scratch every time.     

Maybe they could have them come up with an e-commerce business - concept, web design, marketing etc. - instead of running round Brighton asking florists stuff.

Exactly. So they're there to test your skills, even though they represent a scenario you wouldn't encounter in real life. Same with this task. And it's only one task out of 16 or whatever.

Maybe they could have them come up with an e-commerce business - concept, web design, marketing etc. -

They do that on other episodes. They need a bit of variety.




they used to do a very basic task (usually in the first week I think) of buying a product as cheaply as possible and selling it  for as much as possible - that was  universal business task that still makes sense - think that has been dropped for some reason.

Given that the list of places they were given contact details for included a specialist trug shop it wasn't exactly hard to find out.

the very unusual term for a clam that they chose definitely made that challenging and I'd never heard of the fossil either.

To be fair this is really a logistics and negotiation task to see how well they can plan out getting to a number of different locations in a set time and then buying things.

Did have a good laugh at them barely knowing what a 45 was, not able to read maps etc. Made me wonder what skills our generation lost. I can't think of any. If anything, our gen added skills. Perhaps we have reached a tipping point, and humanity is now declining into a technology dependant wheelchair?

I think skills we lost v our parents:

Mental arithmetic - yes we learnt it but not as thoroughly and not as practiced, because we did not need to be.

Spelling without spell check

Good legible handwriting

error free typing

3-ducks30 Jan 23 09:26 ReplyReport

Re the Internet, you might as well ask what's the point of closed book exams? It's to make you use your brain ffs. Test your proper research skills

How do closed books test your research skills? 

3-ducks30 Jan 23 09:38 ReplyReport

They don't. I didn't actually say that.


The palourde (pron pall-oord)

a species of clam

had they pronounced it properly anyone could have told them it was a clam

but tbf I only know because I make a lot of vongole

They all stepped back from the map reading - I can’t read a map. Seriously? It’s not an OS map - it’s literally a paper version of what you see on google

They are all so unworldly and terrible and crap and it makes me cross that the producers have not modernised to present something more aligned with the world of 2023. The interviews are no more than bullying and name calling.  The tasks encourage conflict.  The pushy are rewarded ahead of the thoughtful.  

one minute sugar says you can’t offend anyone by offering low and the next minute he criticises for it.  

there are plenty of successful business people who don’t conduct themselves like sugar.  I suspect sugar doesn’t actually do business like that irl 



My mind is boggled by the amount of filler in the female candidates' faces. The only normal looking one buggered off because of a mental arithmetic arse-up. Expecting a lot of aesthetics business proposals when then time comes.