Blowing up Nord Stream


clear at all who benefits from that

gee I can’t guess who doesn’t want russia having 600m euros a week

at least we can rule out Iranian arms dealers. We can safely say it wasn’t them.

Because it had been filled with gas but never started pumping. I assume because it's not good for the pipeline to not be filled with gas but don't actually know. 

I don't understand why the yanks would benefit particularly. Possible it's a false flag I guess and then the Russian's 'discover it was Ukraine' in a week or two and use it as a premise for escalation.  We live in interesting times it seems. 

"V effective way of stopping Russia getting its 600m Euros a week or whatever it was"

Or, depending on the commercial terms actually agreed, a desperate attempt by Russia to avoid damages of 600m Euros a week or whatever it was, by claiming force majeure ?

eeyore - yeah maybe, who knows the truth, the fog of war and all that 

but let’s be honest if there are 2 gas sellers in town and one suffers a burst pipe the other one isn’t going to be sad..

The Russians had an incentive to do it. 

1. They had no prospect of gas deliveries in the long run since EU countries are securing other sources / go green. 2. They do not want to supply anyway. 3. It allows them to dodge penalty payments for non-delivery under existing contracts - FM

US and British fingerprints all over this

Ooh you might be right Barry. That's the kind of edgy thinking that has seen you get where you are today. 

*Gives Barry a biscuit*

Russians did it as a warning. “Next time it will be someone else’s pipe. And then the fibre optics cables under the Atlantic.”  Possibly as provocation for war and therefore cement Pootin as wardictator for life.